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Meguire water magnet towel


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I also hv a piece of meg water magnet towel, I ve relegated it to now use it to dry my rims after washing. [laugh] I realise that while it absorbs it is a bit 'rough'. But the price maddriver is offering is good for this product as outside sell ard $24


I am using one towel that green colour, similar to Meg's but softer and more absorbent, I find.

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Neutral Newbie

just got one pc from bro maddriver yesterday.. really absorbs water really well, at least better than the chamois i was using previously... still couldnt really get the prata going also today leh.. how? [:/]


btw, autobacs has jus replenished their stocks.. but its going at $20.90 i think.

upz for a good deal and dealer! [thumbsup]

Edited by Corgan
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ok,i will keep posted on my detailing session..smile.gifwe will show you the "roti prata"method..


i got big mf cloth from pakshak..... now this wont be roti prata, it will be murtabak... [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
i soak and squeeze out all the water and start wiping. It just wont dry.

What is the method of using the cloth?


I just use it when dry, fold in half and glide it across the surface. Takes 2 strokes per surface to dry. I wash it after every car wash somemore so mine super rough I guess.I got try soaking it and start wiping before but it just doesn't work. [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

I suggest you use the dry towel to wipe the windows and glass first, when the towel gets slightly wet, it will feel smoother to glide on the paint work [:)] .

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