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Tips Needed for Smooth Drive on Manual Transmission


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Hello everyone,


I suggest most would know that i am driving a tomyam MT vios. really loved this car, much more power than my previous nissan.... actually, i am very used to it le.... dun miss my old nissan le...


but one problem i encounter is... say if you are stuck in a jam.... start-stop-go condition... we often engage in gear 1, rev, speed is like 10-20km... then upshift to gear 2... speed is 20+km/h... but hor the traffic is like sxxt... you tap brake, speed reduced to 10+km/h.... like this, what would u do?


drive at 10+km/h at gear 2, or shift into gear 1??? i dun like the idea of shifting into gear 1... coz for me, that is seldom used... unless i pick off from stationary or really speedometer register <10km/h... which you can't even see....


like this how huh? i drive at gear 2 at 10++km/h, like engine cough cough.. not good for engine.. but engaging in gear 1, its like hard to engage and not good for engine right? since ur speed is alreadie 10++km/h....


stuck in dilemma here


can any pro manual drivers teach me? thanks..

Edited by Weixiang_06
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to add more information.. i am quite used to the upshifting...


gear 1 -> gear 2 -> gear 3 -> gear 3 -> gear 5...


all very smooth, no jerk or whatever....


for breaking and slowing down... i usually downshift till 3rd gear... that's the lowest gear i would go, then after which i would cruise for a while, using engine braking, before finally applying real brakes, then would engage the clutch before coming to a complete stop.... the clutch is fully engaged when the speed falls 30km/h and below..


for downshifting

gear 5 -> gear 4 -> gear 3


also very smooth...


i seldom engage to gear 2 when downshifting.. think its quite extreme and see no need too... i use gear 3 for slowing down to 40-30km/h... below using complete clutch and brake to come to complete stop...


but as mentioned in my 1st post, its those traffic jams that cause me problems, where you have to make the critical point for exact smooth downshifting of the very low gears....

gear 1 -> gear 2 (smooth)

gear 2 -> gear 1 (can be done meh?, say i now at 10++km/h and slowing down some more) gear 2 is too stressful for this low speed, whereas i can't really engage in gear 1, not recommended too...

i try not to coast.... so abit stuck here..


Gear 1 is usually used for picking off, dun really engage in that gear during downshift. If speed has dropped until so low, might as well step on clutch, and apply full brakes.. but problem is i dun want complete stop.. but my speed isn't high enough for gear 2, but considered high for gear 1... what would u do if u were me... for smooth transmission...


stuck here..


can any kind souls please advise..


i am driving a manual transmission...


i tried searching, but only found tips for auto transmission... can't find on manual transmission.... haiz... maybe most people driving auto these days.. i am a dino, still on MT.. laugh.gif

Edited by Weixiang_06
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all those pros in manual tranmission.. mind sharing ur tips with me... for me, i am not very satisfied with it while engaging in very low gear in jams.... where speed is unpredictable...


as low as [shakehead]

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i think i understand how u feel... hate to shift back to 1st gear when the car's moving.

usually i just slow down the car purposely to less than 10km/h, then engage 1st gear and catch up. not necessary to maintain constant distance frm the car infront mah [:/]


if really can't then just shift back to 1st gear. rev the rpm to match then release the clutch. wont feel the sudden jerk

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of which these speed are in the range of gear 1 and gear 2....


for upshifting, no problem... but then say u travelling at 20+km/h, suddenly super slow traffic to <10km/h... what would u usually do? let it coast? but say i dun want to let it coast? ..... stuck manz..

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u rev the rpm ah... mmz... coz say 10+km/h.. i dun think i want to shift to gear 1 too... but then... really quite slow for gear 2.... but then also cannot rev.... coz in front got car... behind also got cars...


these days, jams are pretty bad.... i hate those jams where speed is capped from


0-30km/h... very unpredictable.... [shakehead]


you happily driving from neutral to gear 1, travelling from 0-15km/h then upshift....

suddenly in front stop down.... then shift back gear 1, will get the kind of jerk.... [thumbsdown][shakehead] like this is like putting stress on the engine wor...


i dun want to coast.... rev the rpm to match gear 1 rpm? mmz... i have problem finding the exact rpm for shifting from gear 2 -> gear 1.... sick manz... else manual really fun to drive...

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i seldom rev my engine to >3k.... so now my mileage is really quite decent... [:)] on mineral still.. going for sythetic service at 10k....


getting some 14-15++km/l mileage these days.. [thumbsup]

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Some ppl will learn to overcome it naturally. Some will never. So just don't worry about it. Driving I feel.....sometimes is a kind of talent. Some have, some don't have.


If you don't have this talent but want to solve this prob, then you need the technology called Automatic Transmission to help. If you have this talent naturally, within few weeks/months, you should know whats best to use, to suit your car.


Different car, different method. ie, My gear 2, may vibrate at xx rpm, but yours may not.

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okie lor... coz while driving, people can't tell i am driving a manual... unless super jam like... [shakehead]


okie lah... but my previous ride... this was never an issue... maybe i dun know my tomyam well enough... [laugh]

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maybe i hate the concept of coasting.. think i need to change my mentality......


other than this issue, i am very happy driving a manual.... [:)]


thanks to everyone...

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