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Neutral Newbie

hi bros, any of u did grounding 4 ur rides? heard from my instructor there is something called 5-pt grounding, supposed 2 give u more "omph" in current.. am i correct?


would like to kno where u all go 2 get it, the cost n how long it took u all 2 get it fixed.. thanks

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discussed b4 not much of an Omph


save the $$, stay stock. spend it on some fierce stickers. soon many tiong cars will come push u. u'll find all the omph down there,below the toes of of ur right leg.

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Yalor. Grounding is generally good for older cars, especially COE ones. The cables of older cars would have been degraded and the conductivity is less sensitive so gounding should help. Not really useful for newer car. I was once told by a workshop that excessive grounding may actually degrade car performance.



Edited by Kelpie
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if u insist.


battery --> firewall (lalio)

--> top of engine near spark plugs (for spark plugs)

--> front near headlamps (for headlamps & horns)

--> ECU


alternator --> car body

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Neutral Newbie

did solve my starter problem after grounding. the arching noise when I turn the key is gone now. do for it .......cheap

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I DIY 5 point grounding for <$10. The colourful cables they use r not much different from the thick copper wires I used.


U might see a smoother engine, brighter lights, clearer radio & maybe a slightly more powerful engine.

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