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To the TS , sorry to hijack your thread!


If I just need to change the note of my exhaust (not those super loud ones, but more of a bassy note!) what should I do? A muffler change (LTA approved within the acceptable noise levels) will work for me?


I driving a 2.0 Lancer EX.


Any experts here who can advise?

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Seeking advice from experts here:


Recently after a trip back from Ipoh, I realized there are chao tar marks on my muffler(not tip, the box). Is this of any concern? I've been to many high speed trips up north before but this is the first time I see the burnt marks after I came back. Did not make any mods to my car before


Many thanks in advance


I suspect due to the long drive the muffler was very hot and any debris picked up like plastic bags, bits of plastics or cloth, can get burned and leave residual burnt marks.


Just my guess.

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