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Changing Tranmission, Transfer Case and Differential Oils on my own


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Neutral Newbie

Hi there




Just wanna share my experience I had today. I changed my own transfer case, differential case and transmission oils today. I used Caltex Gear Oil EP at S$17/4L bottle. It's SAE 80W145, GL5 rating. Normal gear boxers nowadays asks to be using at least a 90 oil. I used a total of 7.7L in all and I took 5hrs,with my back nearly breaking. I also used the cxxxxxe synthetic blend I bought some time back in Giant. On the first drive today aftetr the change, it's just super smooth cos it's new oil. Gotto minitor how the oil breaks down from time to time. But my advice to you is to let the garage earn the service charge unless you wanna get the satisfaction of a sore back and standing back to relive what you have done! The gear oil is available in Jurong Port Road Industral estate beside the Caltax Station.









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Neutral Newbie

but on the other hand, its definitely a peace of mind, whats more, you get to know your car better.inlove.gif


not that im saying the garages dont do a good job, but i've heard of some that dont do it properly, especially to fleet contracts for construction companies for their trucks.

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