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EXhaust tip mod-Experts pls advise


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I don't know about this....U may call them and check it out...or you drop by their shop to get theie advice.... [:p] They may give u better idea..... [angel]

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ya.....still another year to go.....c how later... [sly]


Anyway, they have done some carbon paint on the welding part and make them cover up....that may work out better....Hehe, or go to few Vicom outlet to check it out also....haha

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Hi there,

Meaning the exhaust pipe mod is only for appearance LOOK.

Look fierce right.If got power,then i always see the euro type like BMW

floot the pendal & the car can fry but exhaust very nice & sweet.(Quiet)

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few months ago, used the LTA feedback to enquire about the legality of welding on exhaust tip (no modification to exhaust system of any kind)... received a call back and confirmed that if its really just a cosmetic weld-on tip, it is okay~


For exhaust offences, they are more concerned with catback removal violation (polluting Mother Earth) and noise pollution~

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Used the LTA feedback 3 times... twice (welding of exhaust tip, vehicle derigstration) it was someone calling back and 1 time was an email 'template' reply (on HID enquiry)...


technically welding on of exhausting tip dosen't change anything to the exhaust system... some authorised distributors oso provide the aftermarket welding-on of exhaust tip (as freebies etc)~

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As an enviromental engineer studies air quality before myself, I knew the welding at the tip does not alter the emmission standards, but do LTA officier know the technical information

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Neutral Newbie

I know this might be a resurface of a old thread, but I gotta warn everyone out there!! welding of exhaust tips is ILLEGAL!!


I got fine $500 for it..



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Neutral Newbie

Sorry I never elaborate further, but I got fine because the original tip was cut away and the cosmetic exhaust tip( double barrel like AMG's) was WELDED directly on the muffler/silencer. This is not allowed according to LTA even if it pass the emission test. Exhaust shop at ubi assured it was LTA compliant.. haha wat a joke. Went back with the summon and they cannot be bothered. GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE! [furious][furious]

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Neutral Newbie

Got caught by ROV, escorted back to inspection centre. End up kena fined for modified exhaust, tinted windows and lights.


Total kena $580 [hur]


Which provider? Starts with a Capital F!


But not to be biased(I think Im [hur]) , every exhaust shop do practise welding to muffler, just don't do it.. [dead]

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u sure your exhaust no other mods? i will be going to VICOM soon.. will enquire about this issue...


if i were u, i would ask them to quote specifically which offence it is illegal and why is welding on a comestic tip illegal... if they can't provide a clear answer, just go bang table n seek higher management attention..


the official guideline (http://www.onemotoring.com.sg/publish/onem...ml#MainPar_0006) is referring to the catback muffler modification, therefore they cannot quote this to deem the comestic exhaust tip illegal~

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Based on what ground ? As per discussion above, it didn't change anything on the exhaust, what you are doing is comestic only


Extract from the website:


The exhaust system, which consists of the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter and muffler, is used as part of a vehicle's exhaust emission control system to ensure that the exhaust emission meets our environmental requirements. Any modification to the exhaust system would therefore require LTA's approval. The following should be submitted to LTA for evaluation:

a) Certification from the product manufacturer stating that the proposed aftermarket exhaust system is suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.

b) Certifications or test reports from LTA/NEA recognised test laboratories to show that the aftermarket exhaust system when fitted to the vehicle on a per make and model basis complied with prevailing exhaust emission standards.


Note: Removing catalytic converters and mufflers are not allowed as it will adversely affect the exhaust emission characteristics of the vehicle.



I believe the exhaust tip is also part of the 'muffler'. No LTA approval, hence it's illegal. [:|]


The key word is 'ANY Modification' highlighted in the sentence.

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some cars, they dun come with the original comestic tip also (eg: Mazda3basic vs Mazda3 sports with tip)... its also installed locally aftermarket~

Edited by Beachboys
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