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Pedestrian knocked down


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was heading towards carpenter st,travelling along new bridge rd(i tink,not too sure) jus now ard 1645hrs when i saw 2 radio cars n a lorry at de right lane slightly slanted.realised there's an accident.travelled slowly n noticed there's no vehicle in front.BUT.....a lady lying face up.she's not moving...n there's blood ard her face.most probably from her nose.really shocked to see.kaypoh a bit...made a u turn in front.by de time ambulance already came.n de paramedics were using de 'shock' thingy on de lady.but looks like she's gone. [smallcry] nvr move at lot.hopefully she's jus unconcious.drivers...dont speed.n pedestrians...dont jaywalk!

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Radio car = Police patrol car also known as Lay-Lio Kah by uncles and aunties.


In the past, police patrol cars were dispatched by Police Radio Divison, so hence the name. These days, the cars are dispatched by the individual police divisions. But the Lay Lio Kah term is still frequently used by our parents'/grandparents' generation.



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patrol car la.yeah...i tink de lorry hit de lady.quite young i tink.so sad...

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yeah lor...u ar!no heart one ar. [whip] jaywalking doesn't deserve death leh...

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Neutral Newbie

She jayalkwed..........illegal.......must face the music. eihher through summons of $20 or injury.......don't jaywalk..............

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