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Defi Meters


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sorry, i'm a complete idiot to the world of expensive gauages ie. Defi BF [sly]

toying with idea of getting 2 Defi gauges -> one for water temp and one for vacuum. a few questions.

-> searched the website and can't find the vacuum gauge for Defi BF. is the 'inlet manifold' one the same???

-> is it really a must to buy and install the link controller?

-> anyone selling the above? [:p]

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Yes, inlet manifold is pressure is your vacuum pressure if your car is NA. If your car has forced induction, then it will be Turbo gauge or commonly referred to as boost gauge. I assume that the vacuum gauge is for show so might as well get a Turbo gauge since it can also read to -1.0bar of manifold pressure. Of course, if your car is NA, it will never go into positive boost area but it looks better. Just don't press the 'Peak' button and show people that your boost never go into positive reading.


Link controller is a must since the Defi meters receive digital signals and not analog like Autometers.


Try looking here http://www.sgevoclub.com/viewforum.php?f=12

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Defi dun have Vacuum gauge...but i heard its the same as manifold one...not sure though...

but why dun u get the Blitz one....

its a new mmodel which is also selling very fast now...

i checked with them the vacuum gauge...it was selling at $320...dun need controller...Defi needs controller....

and i think Defi is coming out new model....

i saw from foreign mags...

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Inlet Manifold pressure gauge is vacuum gauge.


Does the Blitz gauges do 'peak hold' and provide recording functions like the Defi ones? I don't mind getting the Blitz ones just to be different. Then again, Defi meters are tried and tested on the tracks. They are reliable and the start feature is pretty cool.


Since we are suggesting other gauges, there's also HKS gauges which are ultra slim. Available from Garage R.

Edited by Tanzy
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ermm... the Blitz one iam abit blur when the person explain to me....

they got two type...one is mechanical and electronic...

he said mechanical one is more accurate as it is used in tracks....but i think not much diff also...

then the electronic one got 2 buttons(if i din see wrongly),which i think can set the peak hold...and duno what...but i believe no recording function...they dun need to use control unit...just use the two buttons on each gauge...mechanical one dun have buttons...Blitz also have those Slim type like HKS...

btw,the salesman told me that Defi one is made in Taiwan...is it true???

i tot its made in Jap???

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Neutral Newbie

if it's made in Taiwan and costs so much, might as well get autogauge or timex.. [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop] no la, jipun made la defi..the salesman ok or not? he want to lose sales or wat? [hur][hur][hur]

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its the Blitz salesman who told me....

i suspect he was trying to condemn Defi...

he said his gauges is more expensive than Defi...that's why more ex...

but i see them abt the same price...rolleyes.gif

Defi cld be moe ex,i think....

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Neutral Newbie

he's pushing the Blitz brand lor..that guy so obvious one..IMO of all things in the world, simple facts cant get right, how to be salesperson? if you had the money would u go for blitz or defi?

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i already got the defi ones....

then see the Blitz one very chio...

so just pop by and ask them the price...with control unit shd be better...thumbsup.gif

esp u can record...etc...still prefer Defi...thumbsup.gif

he din know that i got Defi,that's why i think he wana psycho me by lying....laugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

ecu monitoring..plugs into standard OBD2 port..speed, tacho, water temp, ignition, airflow, intake temp, O2, throttle position..$380 with install + GST at imperial powershop..

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Neutral Newbie

i dont seem to understand the differences with defi link Bf and defi link bf imperial..apart from different measurement units, what other diffs?

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oh...mine is OBD...but i guess can only choose 1 function at a time right???

cannot display all at the same time is it???

btw,the Imperial powershop is it same by Imperial concept???

cos the Blitz i asked at IC...

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