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Ants! So many ants!


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Neutral Newbie

i used it too.. think the name was 'ant-bait'

orange packaging with each bait individually sealed up [nod]

but they know how to siam the things when i sprinkle it right in front of their nest.. [mad]

in the end dulan, use boiling hot water.. cooked them good [thumbsup]

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[sweatdrop] i had the same problem there is this one that comes in a long retangular

shape orangy yellow colour one the poison is in cubes u have to

poke a hole to allow the ants to enter put them outside the car and some inside. put generously. the posion looks like sand. very effective highly recommanded! forget bygon and the rest! [thumbsup][thumbsup]

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hahahaha.... quite shiok when you see them struggling in the hot water.. wither and die...


but that doesnt kill the queen ant leh... then they will be back... damn irritating one... spend more than $20 killing ants...

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Neutral Newbie

i flooded the house with boiling hot water in my zeal to kill the ants [sweatdrop]

if pour long enough, should be able to kill the queen ant [sweatdrop]


last time even worse, in my grandfather's garden, me and my cousins used petrol and set fire to the nest to kill the ants [hur]

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Go to those medical shop and tell unker u want Ma Yi Fen(Ants powder). It comes in crystal form, like sand. either cut an opening on a cartridge and stick it so that the crystal wont fall, or just sprinkle this sand like stuff ard the car floor. I guess u rather have sand looking dirt than crawling army of ants right? you will not see the ants in 2 days upon doin this. work for me many times. This crystal will kill the entire colony of ants. the worker ants will bring it back to the nest, feed the bitch, and when the bitch dies, there wont be new generations. Unless of coz another colony comes in a few mths later and u need to repeat the whole procedure.

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Neutral Newbie
Hey guys, my dad's car, an elantra kanna some kind of ants nest or something. No matter how many times i clean the interior and exterior, the ants keep coming back. And recently, it got so bad that they have crawled into the cabin of the car.

How can i get rid of them?


Hi bro, normally ants don't stay in the car for a prolonged period of time. Heat, movement and water will soon drive them away - unless you have a ready food source in your car!


As for a nest, also very unlikely to have a queen in the car. She doesn't like to be moved and shaken very often - unless your dad rarely drives.


Very likely you're seeing some errant ants crawling here and there, but I don't think your car is really infested. Thoroughly clean and vacuum your carpets, firewalls and boot. If possible, change to new mats. Check your usual parking lots for any possible of ants migration (they usually shift en masse before thunderstorms) or if you park under trees.


Don't worry, they won't stay long! [:)] Er... just take it that I've got a fetish in ants!

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the problem is that i did clean up the mats in the car.. inside and outside and still, they persist on staying.. i think for almost 6 months..


You got a fetish for ants?? Interesting.. I will be most willing to listen and learn if you ready to share. hehe..

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not sure have anyone replied on this.


You can buy those ants baits (available in most medical halls) at $1.80 (comes in a strip of 5).


Cut a little opening and 'paste' it at those areas where most ants were seen.. thumbsup.gif

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yes, this is correct.


what i normally do, and i dun usk baits or whatsoever. and i forbid anyone to eat while in the car. [:)]


90% of time, i park my car out in the open, for as long as 9 to 10 hours a day. U can imagine how hot the car can be.


Ants, don't like it too hot either. [:)]

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Hey guys, my dad's car, an elantra kanna some kind of ants nest or something. No matter how many times i clean the interior and exterior, the ants keep coming back. And recently, it got so bad that they have crawled into the cabin of the car.


How can i get rid of them?


put pandang leaves....insect dun like the odour... and NEVER MAKAN in ur car...not even sweet...because when u hav a sweet in ur mouth n u talk; u tend to spit i ur car...and insects can detect that then they will come n pay ur car a visit....

Edited by Evildoer
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Neutral Newbie

best is to get the ant bait /powder, it helps keep ants at bay...well at least in my house it has been ant free for a few months.


shelltox baygons and all those sprays are useless...works spot on only... what u see is just the tip of the iceberg..


so get the ant bait... let bygones be bygones(pun intended)

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