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Weird steering & clutch behavior after heavy rain fall


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Neutral Newbie



Does anyone experience this before. I drove quite far and long in the heavy downpour during CNY eve and when i enter the carpark, my steering and clutch feels funny and over responsive. My car swerve quite a lot during a stretch of road in the MSCP and the clutch feels funny, like slipping. That particular stretch is very smooth and have a layer of water so i'm not sure if that is the cause. Anyway the car is back to normal in the next day.

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Think it is due to tyres. When it is raining esp heavy rain, you will be driving on wet road, thus leading to water panning ( not sure if this is the term... but it is one of the theory question for car test [sweatdrop] )


Check your speed when driving in the rain, I have seen cars skid in rain before so am not surprise by the lack of control.


Think there is no problem with your car... but do check those tyres threads. [thumbsup]

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What you are feeling is the poor or no friction between your tyres and ground at that point of time. Don't think anything wrong with your clutch. Feeling funny is because you have not encountered such things b4. The MSCP can be slippery when wet of worst still some oil slick on the floor also.


So, driving in the MSCP is better to drive at a slow speed.

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Neutral Newbie

It is common....when the floor of the MSCP is wet....the tyre doesn't grip well and so what you are feeling is actually tyres slipping....thumbsup.gif

Edited by Saaber
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Neutral Newbie

thks everyone for all the info. juz relieved as long as the car is fine.


Happy CNY to everyone at MCF.

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Neutral Newbie

Yup should be the tyres and the ground of the MSCP. My MSCP is like that too until they changed the compound on the floor.

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