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Gear knob too short


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Neutral Newbie

go where can get longer gear knob for my civic huh? or any bro selling?

the manual gear knob is too short for my hand to reach comfortably....

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Neutral Newbie

its a short shifter but i want the gear knob to be longer can?

will break ah?

the chair already max forward liao...

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go where can get longer gear knob for my civic huh? or any bro selling?

the manual gear knob is too short for my hand to reach comfortably....


u buy SiR liao ah???

short shifter good mah...

why not try for a couple of time n i guess u will get used to it...

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go where can get longer gear knob for my civic huh? or any bro selling?

the manual gear knob is too short for my hand to reach comfortably....


short shifter good mah!!! i also civic, using short shifter.... damm shiok! other ppl want short shifter, also dun have........ i love it!


you wan to van/lorry type? i have..... just kidding!


go to SHC (Honda forum), and ask around.... i'm v sure lots of civic bros dun mind exhanging their original gear stick with yrs.... (you can sell yours for a price! remember that!!!)

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Neutral Newbie

the gear knob is stock with short shifter liao...

i need a longer gear knob..

the height of the gear knob too low for me...

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