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Chrysler selling 300C here


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Neutral Newbie

The car's pretty big, u'll have a hard time driving and parking it in spore. I don't know about the 300C, but American cars generally have freakedup turning radius.



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Neutral Newbie

Personally, I think this 300C is a very good looking typical american car, "mafia" look. and a very cheap alternative to other towkay car. might recommend this to my MD. [sly]

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Are Chrylser dealer selling Dodge car too and what model are they bring in ?


Was driving past their showroom at LengKee at night and saw the big DODGE word on the building?

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saw 1 in town too, also thought tat it was a bentley with the fierce front grill. Then i came across a crossfire driven by a 50-60 yr old tai tai.. [sweatdrop]

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If you watch Hallmark Channel. Most of the shows I watch on it feature the 300C!


Missing is one. The FBI pair drive a 300C.


The Mystery series by Hallmark like Mystery Woman and that one with the secret agent housewife all feature the 300C. All the government agents drive the 300C dizzy.gif.


In Sue Thomas FB Eye, the high flying agents drive the 300C.


This car is slowly becoming the choice vehicle of TV's most high flying FBI, CIA, NIA, NSA and DEA agents! laugh.gif

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