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OCW [Wonder Wax from Gen2]


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haha, collected my wax yesterday from gen2 and today tried it out already. such an ease to use and produces pretty good results.


since i already did the autoglym twins during the wkend, i used OCW straight after the wash.







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today i see sun come out in the afternoon after i came home from work, i quickly go check online weather forecast. they say tomorrow only partly cloudy so i quickly start work. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Hi to all,


Got my black Lancer detailed by Gen2 last Sat & bought the OCW as well.


Applied the OCW yesterday evening after washing my car...I am very impressed by the result & it ease to use (this is especially helpful for car detailing newbie like me)...[;)]

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Neutral Newbie

Hi bro, glad to hear you like OCW. The main feature of this sealant wax is the ease of use and it also produces a remarkable shine. If you manage to keep the car dry for the next 12-24 hours after application, you will see a noticable improve in the shine and wet look [nod] .

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Agree with you bro odyssey02!I also bought a bottle of this "magic wax" from Gen2 and what I can said is [thumbsup][thumbsup] .But just 1 question to Bro Gen2,is it all right to use it with wet or dry cloth?Personally,I find it easlier to do it with wet cloth and it does left a "cloudly look" after I use it with dry one.

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Neutral Newbie

Hi bro Stngerquek, it is better to use it on a dry cloth. The 'cloudy look' most properly is due to,


1) You did not shake the bottle well enough to mix up the wax ans sealant well enough.

2) You applied too much product

3) You use it on a hot surfaces or

4) You use it under direct sunlight

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Hi bro Stngerquek, it is better to use it on a dry cloth. The 'cloudy look' most properly is due to,


1) You did not shake the bottle well enough to mix up the wax ans sealant well enough.

2) You applied too much product

3) You use it on a hot surfaces or

4) You use it under direct sunlight


This man speaks the truth.


I've also found OCW tends to streak a touch more easily when applied over carnauba compared to over a sealant or fresh surface.

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