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Maintenance free battery = Dry battery?


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Hi all out there,


I am tasked to help my in law change his corolla G9 battery to dry battery. I suppose it is maintenance free type after looking through past threads? Maintenance free = totally dry battery with no liquid inside the battery?


Can anyone reccommend any brand and where i can change it?


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Err... i think there's still fluid in those maint-free batt coz i just changed 1. There's a sight hole which shows colour change when it's due to change & i can see fluid inside.

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I know what u mean leh :) But there is really one type of maintenance free battery that is realy really dry one, no liquid inside.. so no need top up one :p I also got the info for past threads.. i hope itis correct :p

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Neutral Newbie

Maintainence free batteries are usually all sealed up. So maintainece free suggest that you do not need to maintain. Also suggest that you dun need to top up anything. Hope this helps.

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Neutral Newbie

If you read his message his point is that if it's not a liquid then you dun need to top up. I'm makign it a point, even if its liquid and its maintainence free u dun need to top up.

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If it is a lead acid battery it cannot be competely dry. If there is no liquid in between the plates ,there is no way for the electrons to travel.

Flood lead-acid batteries are the most common type - this type you need to be top up with distill water - to replace the loss due to vapourisation.

Seal lead-acid battery will have either diluted suphric acid or gel.These type of batteries have slightly lower resistance to high tenperature. Seal lead-acid battery actually have a built in expansion valve and condensing space to allow the vapourised water to condense and later return back to the system. High temp many cause very minute leak of vapourised water to escape to the atmospher so over time the battery will have not sufficient distill water and the plates are exposed. Once exposed no chemical reaction is taking place so no charge and over time the battery suffer internal short.

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Ah.. thanks all for the info here....


But where should i go to to install this "maintenance fre battery", any brands i can look out for?


I am afraid i jus walk into the workshop and they say they only have normal battery coz this is the most common!...

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Neutral Newbie

it is improve product ma. ppl make it maintenance free so that u can save the trouble of topping up water.


if i;m not wrong, maintenance batt comes with dry and liquid de.


liquid type still uses duno wad fluid inside, and if its over charge, the fluid would come out.


dry one which is totally sealed, dunow ads the content inside. heard an encounter when the alternator is faulty, cannot cut when battery is fully charge, geh geh charge until battery explode. if normal batt over charge at most is water flow out, but dry one no where to release power.

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huh... not that serious ba.... i believe chances of overcharging and exploding is pretty low... it still have it pros ba.... but i personally feel normal liquid type battery is sufficient though... i remember i use it like few months then i top up once... so it is not really a hassle... and when ppl say battery life span only a year or a year plus.. i know of cases that the battery can actually last like 3 years plus with proper maintenance.....

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So seal lead-acid battery we can't do top up of liquid? SO once internal short happen, we gotta change the whole battery whereas the flood lead-acid battery we can still do top up to prevent internal short from happening?

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does it mean maintenance free batts last shorter?

I'm thinking of changing my batts,but stuck in between maintenance free n the other.

any brands 2 recommed?

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