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Optra Dashboard Front Panel


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Just use something to pry open the silver panel...

I dunno the right tools, but I used screw drivers to do it..

left some scars..


There are 6 clips holding it to the yellow panel. 3 on left, 3 on right. Located Top, middle, near-bottom.


Prying out is the difficult part.


After you pry out, the 6 metal clips will most probably drop off.. make sure you do not lose them.. (other wise they will rattle somewhere that will irritate you and you will never reach it)


After settling your HU, put the 6 metal clips on the silver panel, THEN you press them into the dash.


Take note, your Aircon setting wires will be in the way, but I didn't remove them, just left them dangling.


But the clock and "hazard-light" switch will need to be disconnected.

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