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Lorry racer


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A lorry is the last thing you wanna race with. If this guy is an employee, and if you agitated enough, he must just decide to do the wrong thing and slam into your vehicle and walk away smiling. Afterall, his vehicle damage is borne by company and your damage claims will be ONE big hassle and inconvenience.

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Neutral Newbie

hi there, i am not sure if he is trying to race u... maybe he is just been an idiot...

well i drive a lorry, heehee a heavy vehicle actually and i do agree tat they

can go up to a very frightening speed when unladen... sometimes we really have

no choice, i sometimes do have to 'jio' cars cos they are road

hogging, and usually its the Merc/Jaguar driven by some rich old men... we are

constantly rushing for time during work and u wont really wanna be caught behind

some ppl who are so rich they can just drive around to sight see while the rest of

us have to slog it out on the roads... seriously, its never a pleasure on the roads

with these kinda drivers, and sometimes a 'gentle' reminder to inform them tat

driving big cars dun mean they own the roads.. wink.gif

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hi .. i use to drive van too .. i agree tt when unladen is very light n very responsive .. but i m not cuttin his lane or blockin him ... i was side by side with him .. i tink he is jus a idiot [hur]

tis incident hv pass long liao ... so now dun feel the anger ..

n rich old ppl with big car is really rd hogger

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Neutral Newbie

I hav encountered an ah pek driving a 7 series, taking hell lots of time juz to park vertically at an old shopping center cp. In the end jaming the cars behind all the way to the entrance gate. If not pro to drive such a big car, I beg all those rich ah peks pls dun buy a big car n cause hazards n trouble to others. If me, I would rather invest in betta stuff lyk buy bigger hs or donate $ to charity. If dey still tink dey hav too much $ to spare, I dun mind help 'em spend it. [rolleyes]

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[laugh][laugh][laugh] ..... totaly agree ... my encounter is merc 320 or wat lah .. 4 get liao ... very big n long merc... n there is this aunty in late 40s like tt ...same problem .... wait till jam up at ps cp... [furious]

i wonder if we is to approch n help dem to park how is their reaction ?? [laugh][laugh][whip]

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Neutral Newbie

nope... i am talking abt normal roads, cos the Merc i encountered wasnt

on expressway, seriously i do know my own limits, so travelling on the

extreme right lane is not wat i wanna do oso... [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

same sentiments pal!!!!!! i hate it when they spent so much money on

a wonderful machine but ended up 'wasting' it... imagine all tat luxury

and horsepower under the hood and it ended up only travelling at around

70km/h... sorrie to say but i think rich taitais make up tat number too,

i have seen aunties who cant even see wats in front of her Beemer 5 series

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hi anyone jio by lorry for a race or wat ever???


just now on the way home there was tis lorry by my side at the traffic light ... when the light turn green we move off as normal... but tis lorry like chasing my by my side like tt .... when i de-accel.. he oso follow ... den i accel he oso try to catch up with me [mad] ... i think he feel tt he is drivin a farlorry.... [crazy]

den i go very slow at 40km/h he over take me n look at me den he speed off .......... [crazy]


Let me first put a comment about your post...it shows that you are VERY IMMATURE and if you already have a driver's license then you are indeed a VERY DANGEROUS driver yourself!


Go back home, sit down and think for a moment.


What is this post about 'racing' with a lorry driver.


Knowing full well what type of ppl usually drive a lorry you definitely have not learnt much in life!


I do hope that you will start to examine your own life perspective and come round to your senses and realise many years from now when you do come across this posting in MCF again HOW STUPID AND SILLY YOU HAD BEEN WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER......like now? [;)]

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[laugh] actually hor, u will not waste petrol even if u "speed" up to let him smell ur back side since with a speed around 80-100km/h(2K+rpm), the petrol consuption is optimum and not heavy..and at that speed, this lorry will need to burn more diesel to catch up... [laugh]
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Neutral Newbie

yeah.u are correct,every other bros who post their thread are wrong.on behalf of those bros,sorry.we are all stupid,silly,immature and dangerous.thanks for ur comments. [:)]

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Haha maybe previously u accidentally cut his lane or sth u never know... Or sometimes he'd be trying to tell u your fuel tank cover not closed or your brake lights faulty... I tried many times to tell ppl when i see these clowns on the rd but i think they probably just think im nuts... Dont be so paranoid man he could be telling u tt u left your drink can on your car roof [laugh]



lol last time i got horn by car besides me (maintaining same speed as me and horning me)...at first i was thinking...is this guy crazy or wat?? Then after 1 min, i realized that he is trying to tell me to turn on my head light!! [laugh]


Are u the person who horn me last time?? [thumbsup]

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eerr ... what you talking about??? [dizzy]

i dont understand what u trying to say ...

i m not racing with that lorry ...

pls read my post again ..

thank you

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[laugh] ... i get what u mean.. curising speed at 80-90kmlh rite?

but i think that lorry is flooring the padel when accel.

then the pick up also not bad. maybe because of the lorry is empty behind

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