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How to remove the logo/emblem cleanly?


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im wondering how do some aveo drivers remove the front chevy logo and the words at the back. if these are removed, can they stick it back? just curious...

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Neutral Newbie

front logo is attached to thr grill by screws, just unscrew and take off the logo.


those words at the back at stick-on. you can just pull them off and then polish off those marks left behind. of course, if you gentle gentle one, then use dental floss and slowly floss thru the words till them drop off lor. i think chance of damaging the paintwork is lower using this method

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To remove the stick on emblems ...use a hair dryer ..and blow at it ..."Warm" then get a the thinnest Nylon string u can get and the just pull it thru in between emblem and car body....easy

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Neutral Newbie

after remove hor, the paint behing the words is still the same colour as your body, or is it bare metal and you have to repaint yourself

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