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Can a flat maintenance free cattery be recharge and reuse ?


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My maintenance battery has flaten out the other day cos' I left my lights on for days.


Can I recharge thhe flaten battery and use it again ?


Thanks for your adivces.

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Yes, what the battery need is a slow charge not from your car alternator but from a battery charger. If you are charging at 2amp and if your battery is 65amphr, the charging time will be about 30 to 36 hours.

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Neutral Newbie

ya..shld be able to la....the battery is use finish onli ma...not spoil, if its power is empty due to battery weak l iao, charge back power oso will discharge by itself. let ir charge back and use lo, wait till really spoil then change ba

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Hi all,


need some of the experts' advice regarding batteries. I saw these (Efx edc680) batteries @ stamford tyres lok yang. They r ex but pretty light weight.



Firstly, have any1 came across such batteries? r they suitable to replace the typical car batteries? 'cause being looking around to replace my car batteries. If they r suitable, do u have them? thanks.



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It is a deep cycle battery - that mean is best to charge the battery at trickle mode (amperage of not more than 1.5amp)constatly. Your car alternator charging rate vary too much - the average amp going into the battery can be as high as 20 amp.

Such battery are widely used in stand-by equipment, transmission sets, etc

Edited by Yeobh
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what i think is MF also can charge using alternator.


only thing that life is shorter mah.


that's why they say unless use until cannot recharge liao

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Neutral Newbie

just haf to jump start ur engine, and ur alternaotr will charge it for u lo....

but if ur battery faulty, after charging, battery still drain out, then u hafta change to a new one lo

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