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14 km/L for Kelisa - Bad?


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Neutral Newbie

Hi bro you seem pretty well informed about the Kelisa, any idea if the dealer would entertain me, a 20yo and let me test drive? [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

they said auto FC is 15km/L, is it true? if so still not bad lah. If I can control well on my right leg (press soft) might get better result. Saleman not call me yet fro the COE bidding result. my max is 12K for COE, hope not increace. I applied a OPC at $20590 with COE.


Recently view Perodua MyV at Msia, not bad, but only 1.3 have auto.

Anyone can help me to answer below question:


1. As for FC for auto car for Picanto and kelisa, who will win?


2. SOHC with 4 cylinder or DOHC with 3 cylinder better?


3. 1.1 engine with 970Kg car or 1.0 engine with 807Kg better?

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Why not? Like they are going to chase you out of the showroom. As long as you have a valid license, who will stop you if you want to test-drive.


Advise, go for manual. [laugh]

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First of all.

Auto FC.http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/mb/viewpo...&vote=0&msg=845

Manual FC.http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/mb/viewpo...&vote=0&msg=844


1. Can't tell. For light foot, both are equally matched. For heavy foot, Kelisa might just win.


2. DOHC anytime. But depends on you actually. DOHC, although feels more powerful, but being 3 cylinder its vibration is sometimes un-desirable. Picanto have know to be more stable when travelling at speed higher than speed limit.


3. If similar engine, of course the lighter one should have a bit more edge. Else same question as above. Picanto is more stable and comfort, Kelisa is more responsive.


Lastly, I am a strong believer of Manual car. Cheaper price, better FC, easier to maintain, stronger engine respones. Actually you might want to test Picanto to re-affirm your decision. Picanto (Auto) is definitely no-go for a power hungry man like me.

Edited by Wbucket
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Neutral Newbie

Yep its manual or nothing for me too haha [thumbsup]


Will go down for a test drive sometime next week [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks for your advice. Almost all pple said manual better.. Anyone support Auto or not? come up support me le..


Conclusion from me for my decision.


1. Manual is more powerful and better FC, cheaper and easy to maintain (but left hand and leg will be busy)


2. Auto make your left leg and left hand free (main for lazy pple like me), my driving skill not good, better go for auto. The only thing is need to spend more $$ for petrol and need to tolorent for slower speed. The car will slow like a turtle on the road.


I have make my decision too fast on last time, i should do more survey before making decision. I alr put in $450 for my booking fee for a auto kelisa. Hopefuly I will not regret (red eyes) when i see other manual car pick up faster than me.

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not to worry ,bro!!!Just njoy yr new auto car to arrive n dont bother of wats others comments!!U must be proud to be a new car owner as most singaporean are still btaking public transports!! nod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gifnod.gif

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There are definitely supporters of Auto, else why would most cars in Singapore comes in Auto rather than manual. 1 thing to know though, Kelisa's Auto is no joke. Like I said earlier, I have problem chasing some auto with my stock manual. Actually by default its performance is already rather impressive for a 1.0cc car. Usually small Auto car will be more weaken by its auto transmission, but Kelisa still retain its torquey feel.


Say, did you try other brands before signing?

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks. I going to call up SE to change my car color to white from Silver. And change Auto to Manual. Do not know he able to let change or not.

Actually I did not try other brand before signing le. I so stupid.

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Hi bro you seem pretty well informed about the Kelisa, any idea if the dealer would entertain me, a 20yo and let me test drive? [:)]


Sure can 1 la. No problem. At most u wave ur cheque book or platinum, I'm sure the SE will rush over @ ur service [laugh]


No offence to the SE bros here. Juz joking.


Cheers [flowerface]

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Neutral Newbie

I just change my Kelisa Auto to Manual. Hope that is a good choice. My color still remain as Silver. Did test drive for both Auto and Manual. Found Auto got some problem. First is the noise is louder than Manual Kelisa. Second is the Vibration is worse than Manual. Third is Manual Kelisa very easy to handle and fun to drive it. (I use to drive Van and never drive a manual car before, that is my first time to drive manual kelisa and feel so good and easy to handle it). Thanks for your advise.

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Auto's vibration can be lesser with the use of a proper voltage stabilizer. Anyway, auto and manual's handling should be the same, so I don't know why you think manual is easy to handle, but it is definitely fun to drive.


O, if you haven't been driving manual for a while, gear shift is going to be something you might want to work on. Cause when I let my friend drive my car, she forgotten to up-shift rather often. And of course that goes for down-shifting. Anyway, have fun, and do drop by the kelisa forum for more info and lobangs.

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Neutral Newbie

Finally my SE get my COE for last COE bid. But I forced to get Auto instead Manual due to silver color stock not in yet (or i select gold color manual) [:(] . I just selected silver Auto, because the color is nicer. Hope that is a good decision for me lor. I will get my Silver auto Kelisa Mid of Nov. [drivingcar]


Can you teach me how to drive to make my Auto Kelisa to get better FC? If always drive below 2200rpm will get better FC? [hur]

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