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Shall we cycle to work?

Shall we cycle to work?



During my travels to Europe, I noticed how there is a significant amount of people who cycle to work. Some cycle straight to the office, some cycle to the subway station and park their bicycles outside before taking the train to work.


In Singapore however, where our country is so much smaller than London for example, we don't exactly see a lot of people doing that. It's probably not in the culture and also, our public transport system is rather comprehensive.


More people have been able to own cars over the last decade due to a variety of factors. But in recent times, the COE prices are going ridiculously skyward that it'll be a good time to consider alternative transport such as cycling.



18 December was OCBC's Safe Cycling Day, held as a promotional initiative in the lead-up to the OCBC Cycle Run in March. With the message


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I am a cycling enthusiast.I take part in cycling race locally.

However I will not cycle t work because of the bloody hot and humid local weather.

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I did not participate in that event for safety reason. Many/most would be too green to road cycling/not safely attired for the event. Road cycling got to do with dedicated diligence on the road. Cyclists need to understand how motorists follow the Highway Code, in order to avoid accidents. I had been cycling to work for more than a year. Stopped from cycling to work by the air pollution along the routes. Let us hope more Employers can staggered their office hours for better roads usage

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Fully agree with Drsg. The weather around this region is not conducive for cycling to work. Humidity will make it impossible to cycle to work - one can bring a change of clothes but not many office blocks have showering facilities for people to freshen up after a sweaty (say 5km) cycle with smoke, dust and inconsiderate motorists. If I had staff that smelled like rotting fish (or chicken) I'd ask him to leave.

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If they finally implement decentralisation of the city centre to the heartland, then cycling will take off.


Australia and Malaysia already flood until peng san liao. SG also start to flood liao. Decentralisation of city centre will lower fossil fuel consumption and hence lower carbon output. I wonder what make them take serious steps to decentralisation? The complete flooding of shenton way and marina business centre?


Don put all your eggs in one basket

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