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Aside from the food and wanting to retire there, what else is there in Ipoh?

Aside from the food and wanting to retire there, what else is there in Ipoh?



blogentry-61716-1292142869_thumb.jpg -the Ipoh City Market

Ipoh, the state capital of the state of Perak in Malaysia is a city located 200km from Kuala Lumpur. It is at least a good five and a half hours from Singapore if you intend to take a nice long drive from the Lion city. Popular opinion have stated that Ipoh is the ultimate place to retire to. There, everything moves at a pace slightly faster than a snail and it is peaceful, serene and even on a normal working day, things are pretty laidback. It is even more laid back than Perak's second largest town, Taiping as here the roads are wide and everything seems to be slightly better laid out than Taiping. Anyway, what makes a trip to Ipoh worth the drive then?


The food I suppose, as everywhere you go there are shops selling famous Ipoh noodles and to a lesser extent Ipoh white coffee. But on another scale of things a motoring enthusiast may fancy something raw and rustic about Ipoh


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retire in Pulau Batam better than Pulau Ubin (or worse).


Ipoh girls are pretty...but you don't see them early in the morning...or at flea markets.

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