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Camcar gets flipped off by lorry driver after attempt to cut into lane, fails to get sympathy online

Camcar gets flipped off by lorry driver after attempt to cut into lane, fails to get sympathy online



When the video has no audio, you know who is to blame already.

What happened?

A camcar tried to cut into the left lane on Loyang Way (yellow box btw). Unfortunately for him, the lorry behind him was having none of it.


Since the video has no audio we do not know what made the camcar back out, though a big honk is always a good deterrent.

After securing his position in the lane, the lorry driver followed up by flipping off the camcar and a few more angry gestures.


He went back into the car, and just when you thought it was over… 


Honestly? Good aim. I could see bro calculate the spread of water and the distance to reach the camcar.


Online chatter

If the camcar uploaded the footage to rally people to his side, it backfired.



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