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Queue cutters pay the price for trying to use the non-existent fast lane along the causeway

Queue cutters pay the price for trying to use the non-existent fast lane along the causeway



TL;DR - As Singaporeans flock into Johor Bahru for Christmas shopping, JPJ were deployed to monitor the activities to improve the effectiveness of enforcement of the roads to Malaysia. 

As Christmas draws near, Singaporeans get panicky about gift shopping. And that is clearly evident from the number of cars entering into Malaysia, getting fined. 

Guess we’re really living up to our Singaporean spirit - kiasu. But not quite the kiasi part. 

The JPJ must be internally screaming joy of happiness as they record the car plates of those who kena saman… yay to more kopi money! 

Here are some screenshots: 


Oh man… Another one bites the dust.


So what happened? 

In case you didn’t know, JPJ is basically the equivalent of Singapore’s LTA. They were deployed to the roads at Causeway to manage the traffic crowd during the weekend. Many cars from Singapore entering JB were fined for cutting into the non-existent fast lane… or perhaps it is only visible in their sight? 

Now their trip is just a wasted one since their fine probably adds up to the cost savings they were expecting from the 1:3.xx ringgit conversion. Better luck next time, fam. 

Let’s hear from the Internet:


Many seem to be asking for heavier penalties on these drivers who jumped the line. What are your thoughts on imposing fine + U-turn back to rejoin the snaking long queue?



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