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Motorcyclist thanks the heavens for avoiding an accident after a Mercedes GLA disregards a discretionary right turn

Motorcyclist thanks the heavens for avoiding an accident after a Mercedes GLA disregards a discretionary right turn



TLDR; A Mercedes Driver was caught flouting traffic rules and nearly causing an accident with a motorcyclist.

This incident occurred at a discretionary turn junction. These junctions are notoriously known for having an increased likelihood of accidents. Below is an incident that proves this point. 

Watch the video below:

A Mercedes driver was caught on camera failing to give way to a motorcyclist at a discretionary right turn. The motorcyclist only managed to narrowly avoid a collision by braking at the last minute. 

The motorcyclist appeared ticked off by this and rightfully so. Even I would have felt the same way if I were in his position.

Giving thanks to a higher power


The motorcyclist posted this recount of the incident on SgRoadVigilante and thanked god that he managed to survive the incident without any lasting damage. 

Looks like a GLA... right?

Judging from the footage, the vehicle looks like a Mercedes GLA, doesn't it?

Though the footage is blurry, they do seem similar. 



Unfortunately, the video footage is too blur to make out the license plate of the GLA.

Discretionary Right Turns in Singapore

This doesn’t seem to be the only time that discretionary turns have caused trouble on the road in Singapore. They do seem to be a common cause of accidents. 

According to Today Online, there has been an average of around 430 accidents at traffic junctions with discretionary turns for the past five years, which is a whopping amount and is a statistic to take note of.

Motorcyclists were also involved in around 40% of those incidents, making them extremely vulnerable to accidents involving discretionary turns. 

There has even been a plan by LTA (Land Transport Authority) to remove discretionary right turns at most traffic junctions by 2023, meaning that motorists would only be able to turn when there is a green arrow. 

This makes the decision to turn more straightforward and clear-cut, and hopefully would be able to reduce any further accidents. 

Netizen Comments 

Netizens express their take on this near collision incident, mostly criticizing the Mercedes driver, with one even accusing him/her of being a 'kopi license driver', which implies that their license was not obtained legitimately. 





Driving this recklessly at a right turn junction is just selfish and irresponsible behaviour. 

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Till today I still dont understand why this discretionary right turn is an issue? What has the driving school been teaching? Maybe the school didnt teach their students what is patience.

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On 7/28/2022 at 4:41 PM, Watwheels said:

Till today I still dont understand why this discretionary right turn is an issue? What has the driving school been teaching? Maybe the school didnt teach their students what is patience.

Many of these junctions are being converted to signalised ones. It takes more time.

In the video, I feel the motor bike's dark shield hampers the riders view.

Edited by Fitvip
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Nothing to do with higher power lah.

The biker slowed down.

If every car and biker slowed down at junctions

then even if a truck turns they can stop in time.

Its really just common sense.

But its all too uncommon these days!


 Haha higher power.

So if he rode faster and bang into the car?

Higher power sleeping huh?

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