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Just an ordinary day at Geylang where pedestrians jaywalk and almost end up in an accident with a speeding bike

Just an ordinary day at Geylang where pedestrians jaywalk and almost end up in an accident with a speeding bike



It appears to be just another normal day in Geylang after footage was uploaded of a near collision between a pedestrian and a speeding motorcycle

Just watch the video for yourself below

The motorcyclist seems to be going down a relatively fast pace on the road in Geylang, narrowly avoiding colliding into the pedestrians that are trying to jaywalk across the road. He had then honked and called out in frustration to avoid a narrow collision before the pedestrians had skittered back to safety. 


The motorcyclist had seemed extremely angry over the situation, which might make others contend that he may be a bit (大惊小怪), also known as to make a big fuss over nothing, given the fact that jaywalking is extremely commonplace in Geylang. 

To not have anticipated this kind of behavior could be on him, to be fair. 

Netizen Comments 

Netizens chime in as well with their own take on the situation at hand, criticizing both the motorcyclist as well as the pedestrians at hand, though they seem to contend that jaywalking behavior in Geylang is almost commonplace. 


Netizens criticized both parties, firstly the motorcyclist for driving at a fast pace and reacting badly, as well as the pedestrians for jaywalking. 




It’s almost like jaywalking at Geylang isn’t a unique sight anymore.

Personally, if I were driving along the streets of Geylang, would probably need to be mindful of my surroundings, lest I cause some actual fatalities. 


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Last time was Little India and Serangoon Road. And now is Geylang Road and Sims Ave. 😒

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When I go buy durian at 2am also, there are plenty of pedestrians and cyclists just criss-crossing the road there. Gotta go slow. But motorcyclists can be real clowns. Act all aggressive around smaller bodies and vehicles but play the sympathy card as a "vulnerable" road user around bigger vehicles. 

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On 27/07/2022 at 02:05, Turboflat4 said:

When I go buy durian at 2am also, there are plenty of pedestrians and cyclists just criss-crossing the road there. Gotta go slow. But motorcyclists can be real clowns. Act all aggressive around smaller bodies and vehicles but play the sympathy card as a "vulnerable" road user around bigger vehicles. 

Exactly. Sums up many motorist mentality.


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