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Cyclist gives zero f#$%s and cycles across a junction with no designated pedestrian crossing

Cyclist gives zero f#$%s and cycles across a junction with no designated pedestrian crossing



For years... the long and painful war against the tyrants of the roads... the cyclists... has dragged on and on. Eh, we tahan a lot already OK! Repeating instances like these make it so hard to like them, don't you agree?

At a bustling junction at Potong Pasir (segueing into Serangoon Road), in the early evening when road users were making their way home after a tiring day at work--- a dashcam video was captured of this errant cyclist! Such misdeeds put onto record, laid out for the world to see.

Take a look at the video, if you can bear the oncoming rage you will feel:


If you didn't catch that, the lady cyclist basically:

1) Almost rammed into a taxi


Here is a zoom in:


2) Then, continued cycling on her merry way, disregarding the flow of traffic,



3) Causing the owner of the dashcam to have to brake abruptly 

Goodness gracious me.


All her actions speak volumes about her mindset and values. We don't like to nag so we will just let our favourite Doge meme express how we feel:


Doesn't it just make you seethe? The utter callousness of the cyclist? I think I shook my head so much my neck now has a cramp.

The court of public opinion

As one might expect, the online commentators ripped into the cyclist viciously. No mercy given here, no!


Top Fan No.1 took on a chiding and reprimanding tone. While we agree that not all cyclists act like her... It seems funny that 99.5% percent always seem to exhibit the same traits of road-hogging and dangerous riding that causes inconvenience to others. But ahem, we digress.


Top Fan No.2 delivers his devastating, and well-put, critique too. 


Haha! That sure is one way of solving the problem. Show her the might of the car horn, brother!

Lastly, saving the best for the last:


Great question, Top Fan No.3 (Wow! What's with the sudden influx of Top fans? This article must have generated the ire of many)

Cease and desist, please

We're not saying some people should have their bikes away... We are totally saying they should have their bikes taken away.

But is it so hard to practice good road safety and habits? One of the first fundamentals of driving we were taught was to always be aware of your surroundings. (PSA to cyclists: please don't do what she did. Just know, if you ever pull the same stunt she did, inside the cars they will be cursing you soundly.)

What if a car had slammed into her? What if she had crashed into a vehicle she was not aware of? Hospital bills, workshop fees. The worst part for the others involved? It wouldn't have been their fault. An accident that could have been easily avoided. 

Don't play play, life is precious. Good road habits may very well be the difference in whether you make it home alive and in one piece... or in a blue SPF tent.

As always, stay safe, readers!



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4) Never look into the eyes of the driver you're pissing off :XD:

That lady seems to be falling off her bicycle (seat's just a little too high for the length of her legs).


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I hope the AMAP/LTA/BYK watch the clips, or...

Half an hour ago, I just saw two Grab PABs beating traffic red lights and going their way. A few seconds ago, they were on the road. Suddenly, they beat red light and become pedestrians and beat red man lights as well. After that, they were on the road again.

Wtf man? The above agencies are not aware of all these?

Edited by Fitvip
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On 7/21/2022 at 12:02 PM, Fitvip said:

I hope the AMAP/LTA/BYK watch the clips, or...

Half an hour ago, I just saw two Grab PABs beating traffic red lights and going their way. A few seconds ago, they were on the road. Suddenly, they beat red light and become pedestrians and beat red man lights as well. After that, they were on the road again.

Wtf man? The above agencies are not aware of all these?

They even more powerful than traffic police :XD:

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