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These two Mercedes-Benz S320 drivers' terrible driving are mirror images of one another

These two Mercedes-Benz S320 drivers' terrible driving are mirror images of one another



Whenever someone drives like a total d-bag, the first thought that comes to mind is, "Must be a car brand that starts with 'A', 'B' or 'M'."

(Pretty sure you know which brands I am referring to)

And it is not surprising why this occurs.

Watch the following videos below:

Incident #1

What Happened?

The incident above occurred along Campbell Lane, where the cam car was approaching a vacant parking lot.

However, as the cam car approached the vacant lot, a man clad in a black t-shirt and jeans stepped out to the front of the cam car to block his path.

The man appeared to have done that to 'chope' the vacant lot for someone. 

Just then, a black Mercedes-Benz S320 swooped in towards the direction of the cam car and parked against the flow of traffic in the vacant lot.

The cam car driver did not seem to have reacted during his encounter with the entitled black S320 driver. 

Incident #2

What Happened?

In this separate incident that occurred at the carpark of Queen Street, a silver Mercedes-Benz S320 drove against the flow of traffic in an attempt to take a shortcut and 'steal' a parking lot from the cam car driver. 

Unlike the earlier incident, the cam car driver reacted to the entitled S320 driver by inching forward and cutting off the Mercedes-Benz.

At 0:32 of the video, the cam car driver intentionally stopped alongside the entitled Mercedes driver - And this got me thinking, did the cam car driver scold or made any hand gesture towards the Mercedes-Benz driver?

The bad rep of 'conti' car drivers

Incidents like the above give 'conti' car drivers a bad reputation.

And unfortunately, the public often remembers the bad rather than the good.

Hence, it is self-evident why 'conti' drivers are stained with such a reputation, which will unlikely go away soon.

Netizens' Comments


Cam car #1 didn't react to the Mercedes and got called out for poor driving skills🥲


Cam car #2 reacted to the Mercedes and got bashed by netizens. Geez.


True dat.


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I don't understand why are people supporting wrong doers? Is it because they drive luxury cars?


For the first cam car, he could have called the parking warden to perform his duties.

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