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Changi General Hospital makes the wrong call about an accident between a Porsche and a motorcycle

Changi General Hospital makes the wrong call about an accident between a Porsche and a motorcycle



A netizen made a public claim on Facebook about Changi General Hospital (CGH) making a false statement in his medical report in an accident involving him and a Porsche 911 Carrera.

In the public post, the netizen claims that CGH stated in the medical report that the motorcyclist (the netizen) skidded and collided with a car (The Porsche 911 Carrera).

Read his post here:


However, in the dashcam footage provided by the netizen, it showed otherwise. 

Watch it here: 

What Happened?

In December 2021, the netizen (motorcyclist) was side swiped by a Porsche 911 Carrera that had just merged into the expressway. 

The motorcyclist immediately lost his balance and fell due to the impact of the collision.

Meanwhile his motorcycle skidded into lane 1 of the expressway. 

The netizen subsequently sought medical treatment at Changi General Hospital for his injuries following the accident. 

The Lapse

Currently, the netizen wishes to seek clarification from higher authorities regarding the lapse in CGH's medical report.

Furthermore, to seek the justice he deserves, the netizen tagged the Ministry of Health, Changi General Hospital and Mothership in his Facebook post to grab their attention on this matter.

Several netizens went further by tagging our health minister in the comments. 


UPDATE (24/6/2022, 1400h)

Changi General Hospital has reached out to the netizen in regards to his Facebook post.

They have also released a statement on Facebook.

Netizens' Comments



If what the netizen claimed in his Facebook post was true, CGH would have to address this pressing issue swiftly. 


The amount of sarcasm tho. 




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Recommended Comments

53 minutes ago, Windwaver said:

Hope justice is served and rider recover soon.

Claim hard against the Porsche insurer.

Medical report should also be amended to state more serious injuries suffered by the motorcyclist.

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1 hour ago, DOBIEMKZ said:

Claim hard against the Porsche insurer.

Medical report should also be amended to state more serious injuries suffered by the motorcyclist.

Yeah, Porsche driver rich fellow, should have no problem with paying for his mistakes.

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Where did the hospital get its information from?

But I kinda dont blame them. The hospital must have seen countless of motorbikers who had the same type of accident. Or mixed up with other motorbiker who is admitted to the hospital on the same day. Not surprising.

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More interested in who provide the false info to CGH.........

and I thought Medical report would just state the seriousness, kind of injuries & the causes(ex. just state skid rather than how it happened)?



Edited by Si4dr
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On 6/28/2022 at 8:45 AM, Watwheels said:

Where did the hospital get its information from?

But I kinda dont blame them. The hospital must have seen countless of motorbikers who had the same type of accident. Or mixed up with other motorbiker who is admitted to the hospital on the same day. Not surprising.

oh, like that cannot blame them already?

Can you be my boss?

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