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The aftermath of a chain collision on PIE sees a Toyota Harrier perched on top of a Toyota Prius

The aftermath of a chain collision on PIE sees a Toyota Harrier perched on top of a Toyota Prius



TL;DR – We see seven vehicles involved In yet another massive chain collision on the PIE. Footage of the aftermath shows a Harrier resting on top of a Prius.


The first half of the day saw many news reports and posts about this accident that happened along lane 1 of the PIE.


Channel News Asia


The Straits Times


Tik Tok

You can watch the vido of the aftermath on Tik Tok.



Or you can watch it on Facebook (courtesy of Roads.SG)

7 Vehicles involved

Besides the obvious Toyota Harrier sitting on top of the Toyota Prius, we also spot 2 Honda Vezels, a Strides Taxi, a blueSG car and what seems to be an Audi A3.


How the Harrier ended on top of the Prius is definitely a huge question mark for everyone.

Hopefully, someone will post the footage of the actual accident soon and I’ll update the article.

Injuries and arrests

It’s reported that five people were injured, two of which were sent to the hospital while the other three declined to go to the hospital.

Additionally, a 38-year-old man was arrested for suspected drink driving (Source: The Straits Times)

Online Chatter


I think you drive anywhere also there’s always a chance of an accident occurring.

Always keep a safe distance from the car in front of you and look out for idiot drivers.


This person might have a point somewhere.


I would like to know as well. blueSG, care to comment?


I try to steer clear away from blueSG cars when I see them on the road. Not all of them, but most of them drive like they don’t want to see tomorrow.


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Bluesg are worse than taxis. According to a forummer viewpoint , they are like ghosts. Pls avoid on roads at all costs!!..

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