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Egos collide when a motorcyclist crashes into a Mitsubishi Attrage coming out of a parking lot. Who has right of way?

Egos collide when a motorcyclist crashes into a Mitsubishi Attrage coming out of a parking lot. Who has right of way?



Regardless of your road experience, motorists need to practice defensive driving/riding at all times.

Unfortunately, some motorists simply take things for granted.

Watch it here:

What Happened?

A motorcyclist was riding straight as he approached the exit gantry of the open-air carpark at Hougang Mall.

Just then, a white Mitsubishi Attrage began moving off from his parking lot.

Despite the Mitsubishi Attrage entering the rider's path and field of vision, the rider did not seem to perform any braking manoeuvre and continued riding straight. 

The rider only came to a complete halt upon a frontal collision into the side of the Mitsubishi Attrage. 

After that, both motorists alighted from their vehicles and started blaming each other for causing this unnecessary accident. 


The Motorcyclist's Perspective

From the rider's perspective, the Mitsubishi Attrage should have given way to him as he had the right of way since he was travelling straight. 

Furthermore, the Mitsubishi driver failed to check clear for traffic when exiting the parking lot.

In other words, he should not have exited the parking lot as there was oncoming traffic approaching him (AKA the motorcyclist). 

The Mitsubishi Driver's Perspective

From the Mitsubishi driver's perspective, the motorcyclist was still quite a distance away from him. 

Hence, he decided to move off from his parking lot.

The motorcyclist should have given way to him as half of the Mitsubishi Attrage's body was already on the main road. 


IMO, I think this is a 50/50 matter - Both parties should bear the brunt for their actions. 

And may I add, how this accident could have been avoided easily?

What do you guys think? Who has the right of way?

Netizens' Comments


Nuff said. 


Many netizens seem to be faulting the rider for his lack of defensive riding.


I think so too!



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Recommended Comments

13 minutes ago, mikk123 said:

is the attrage biscuits tin body seriously damaged? 🤣 I once seated inside one attrage Grab car and felt like the car was going to falling into piece at any moment.

Huh Attrage got so jialat meh? Anyway, I highly doubt the Attrage in the video was seriously damaged since it was only a minor bump

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Car driver Salah. He just assumed motorcyclist would brake and give way. This type of inconsiderate drivers should pay for it. Thus. Motorcyclist should go claim injury.

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2 hours ago, Volvobrick said:

Car driver Salah. He just assumed motorcyclist would brake and give way. This type of inconsiderate drivers should pay for it. Thus. Motorcyclist should go claim injury.

If i ride in a Carpark,i will ride slower,i will give a short Horn,if the Driver never see,i will just brake & let the Car go.

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27 minutes ago, ER-3682 said:

If i ride in a Carpark,i will ride slower,i will give a short Horn,if the Driver never see,i will just brake & let the Car go.

That's the right way!👏

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44 minutes ago, ER-3682 said:

If i ride in a Carpark,i will ride slower,i will give a short Horn,if the Driver never see,i will just brake & let the Car go.

Yes. But most insist their right of way. Or are inconsiderate. That's why collisions (not accidents) happen. 

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If it was a dump truck

would the CB biker insist it was his right of way

and continued riding straight into the dump truck?


If he rides into a dump truck

then yes I would agree the biker was right!

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@Mustank Got any bike ride into you or not?

And insist it was his right of way?


Only Attrage with nice nice white paint job

then bikers whack lah.

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Really a CB biker and so stupid

even post the video to show he was wrong.

People these days are really getting more stupid.

I blame the parents.

The father should have used a rubber band.


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Its really very simple

Why the bike on the Attrage right stop

and the cam idiot that is so far away refused to stop?


When the other biker did not bang the Attrage

and insist it was his right of way?

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People these days are so stupid

they do the wrong thing

insist they are right

upload the video

and everyone flames them

and then they get angry

insist everyone is an idiot

and only they are right!


Fluffing idiots and he won't be the last. 

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Everyone that turns out of a parking lot

at some point or other

another car or bike will need to slow down for them.

If every car or bike sees a car coming out of a lot

refuse to stop there will be accidents everyday.

Thousands of accidents everyday.


The Attrage is was unfortunate to meet a mindless idiot

If the Attrage was a police car would the CB biker bang him or not?

F@#king idiot.

Really needless collision.

  • Haha! 1
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On 4/22/2022 at 7:43 PM, Volvobrick said:

Car driver Salah. He just assumed motorcyclist would brake and give way. This type of inconsiderate drivers should pay for it. Thus. Motorcyclist should go claim injury.

attrage wrong because of inconsiderate driving. this type of question should 

1. check highway code

2. ask any driving instructor

3. ask any driving tester

it's because of these inconsiderate / entitled drivers that today the LTA/Traffic Police have changed so many discretionary right turns to RED arrows so as to force stop drivers from using their discretion.

i rest my case.

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