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First world problems: Driving a Ferrari without actually knowing how to drive one

First world problems: Driving a Ferrari without actually knowing how to drive one



Undoubtedly, Singapore is one of the top richest countries in the world and home to 269,925 millionaires

Being rich means living a lavish lifestyle, such as staying in beautiful homes, wearing designer brands and driving supercars. 

Speaking of supercars, it is pretty easy to spot them in Singapore. 

However, it does not seem easy to be driving one. 

Watch this video to find out why: 

What Happened?

In a video uploaded to TikTok, a female is seen driving a Ferrari with both hands mounted steadily on its steering wheel in the '2-10' position.

Here is where it starts to get ridiculous.

Her co-passenger, who seems to be the owner of the Ferrari, told her to 'turn right'.

As the supercar approached the junction, the driver who wanted to signal her intention of turning right using the signal indicator could not locate the Ferrari's signal indicator.

At this point, she started to panic and proceeded to upshift the gear using the paddle shifter attached to the steering wheel. 


The rest of the conversation goes like this:


Co-passenger: "No, no that is up gear. Turn right x2"

Female driver: "Where is the button?!"

Co-passenger: "Is on the wheel x2"

Female driver: "Oh my god, why is it a button..."

Lost For Words

Yes, it may seem like a light-hearted affair, but NGL, I am at a loss for words.

I can't fathom how someone can simply pilot a supercar or even a car in that matter without understanding its basic controls.

It just gets even more ridiculous when you think about it. 

Allowing an inexperienced driver to pilot a supercar is just an accident waiting to happen. 


Don't believe me? Look at the aftermath of those inexperienced drivers getting behind the wheel of those cars provided by car-sharing services.

What are your thoughts on this incident?

Netizens' Comments


The comment I was looking for👏👏👏


Go ahead, show it off by all means. What puzzles me is why did he have to upload it online to show her silliness?






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