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Illogical burly Honda CRV driver picks a fight with cam car for giving way to him

Illogical burly Honda CRV driver picks a fight with cam car for giving way to him



This Vin Diesel lookalike takes ‘no chill’ to the next level when he gets honked for driving recklessly.

In this video, a driver was on his way to work when he meets a short-tempered and illogical Vin Diesel (SG version).


The video starts with the cam car driver making a left turn on Circuit Road.

He notices a white Honda CRV cutting across the double white lines as he does so.

The white vehicle aims for the right lane (aka the one the cam car driver was already on) as it slides across the road like a seal into the ocean.



Not wanting to be hit by the CRV, the cam car driver presses his horn to alert the other driver of his presence.

This triggers the driver, who has not made it entirely into the lane yet but was ready to throw hands in the middle of the road.


After adjusting his car’s position, the bald bold driver gets out of his car and starts one of the shortest confrontations I have ever seen.

He glares threateningly at the cam car before waving his hands madly and scolding the driver for honking at him.

After 5 seconds, he gets off his high horse and angrily returns to his vehicle.


Honestly, I don’t know how some drivers can have such high egos when they are so blatantly in the wrong.

Guessing game: How many demerit points does this driver deserve?


Firstly, crossing double white lines is not allowed in Singapore. Drivers found guilty will receive a $150 fine and 4 demerit points.

Secondly, drivers who fail to give way to oncoming traffic at a controlled or uncontrolled junction will receive a fine of up to $200 and 4 demerit points.

Thirdly, drivers who fail to indicate or provide warning signals while driving will receive a fine of up to $150.

Fourthly, while the confrontation only lasted about 5 seconds, it is still considered an act of road rage. According to the law, road rage happens when the driver, or passengers, alight from their vehicles to harm each other in a moment of anger. Offenders will receive a fine of up to $5,000 or an imprisonment term of up to 12 months.

Lastly, drivers found guilty of careless driving will receive a fine of up to $250 and 6 demerit points.

If we add all of these charges together, our burly Vin Diesel might be looking at a fine of up to $900 and 14 demerit points (not inclusive of road rage).


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Cam car claimed giving way?? ... I seriously need to pui! 

Lost it and try to play victim card. Wake up lah... 

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Car cam give way by accelerating and honking? 

still quote those law lol


theres no double white line, car also change lane similarly like car cam and he change when its clear until car cam accelerates


crv driver go down considered confrontation ah? Lol

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This MCF 10 dollar reward just make all kind of video people shooting their own foot appear [laugh]

Cam car can blame CRV cut ending double lane but can not see stop sign [smash]

STOP sign means stop and not accelerating [furious]

Giving way is press your brake and just light tap horn or no horn [rifle]

Edited by kr_mcf
  • Haha! 1
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  On 1/17/2022 at 11:58 PM, mikk123 said:

Wild West! SPF is no longer in charge? If SPF don't do anything about it, Singapore will really become a wild west...Let's rejoin back to our motherland - MALAYSIA😂


In malaysia, hardly have this kind of get down from car confrontation because you never know what the occupants of the other car are armed with or in fact who are the occupants of the other car [laugh]

Only in SG very safe, so lots of people anyhow get down from car to confront. So i'd say SPF did a good job in ensuring this safe environment.

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