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A cyclist, taxi and BMW beat the red light one after another in a "monkey see, monkey do" fashion

A cyclist, taxi and BMW beat the red light one after another in a "monkey see, monkey do" fashion



From a young age, we were taught to avoid "monkey see monkey do" actions by our parents, caretaker, or guardian in the hopes that we do not perform any actions without thinking about consequences. 

Unfortunately for these two drivers, it seems like they did not pay attention when they were young. 

Watch this video to find out why:

What Happened?

A cyclist, Transcab taxi and BMW X1 were stationary at a traffic junction, waiting for the red light to turn green. 

After observing how the junction was clear from traffic, the impatient cyclist moved off and beat the red light. 


Seeing how the cyclist proceeded, the taxi driver blindly followed suit, also beating the red light in the process. 

And amazingly, the BMW X1 did the same thing!

The cam car can be seen 'high-beaming' the taxi to alert the taxi driver while it was moving off. 

But it was to no avail.


The Consequence


A motorist who runs a red light, which is a 12-demerit point offence when committed outside a Silver Zone and school zone, will incur 14 demerit points when committed in the zones.

The motorist can be fined $500 instead of $400 for all vehicles. This is the maximum composition fine for all 12-demerit-point offences, which is capped at half of the maximum court fine of $1,000.

I guess it's a matter of time before the taxi and BMW X1 driver receives their 12 demerit points and $500 fine each.

Thank you for contributing to building our nation!


As for the cyclist, it's near impossible to identify him due to the absence of any form of identity.

And judging by that, I am quite sure he'll get away scot-free. 

Netizens' Comments




Oh wells. 🤷‍♂️


Both drivers bak chew tak stamp!!




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