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Watch a rear tailgate of a truck break off and whack an Audi TT on the TPE. Ouch!

Watch a rear tailgate of a truck break off and whack an Audi TT on the TPE. Ouch!



Have you ever had to carry your family’s groceries in one trip after they have been on an NTUC run?


Usually, it takes two or three trips (with a trolley) to haul back all of the plastic bags but every once in a while, your parents might hit you with the “It’s fine. It’s not that heavy. You can carry all of them back with your hands.”.


While you try your best to balance the hefty weight on your arms, your body might feel like it’s going to burst any second. Well, that’s what happened with this truck.

On Saturday (4 Dec), a cam car caught the moment when the rear tailgate of a truck suddenly broke off the vehicle on the expressway.


After snapping off, the heavy tailgate cartwheeled across the road, hitting the side of a white Audi TT.


While the rest of the truck was encased by a cloud of soil, the cam car immediately came to a halt after witnessing the horrific hit.


The cam driver hopes that his video will assist the white Audi TT in making an insurance claim for any damages done.

How did this happen?

Although this was not the first time we heard of a vehicle getting hit by some random part of another vehicle, incidents like this should not be a common occurrence.

Last week, a tyre fell from a different truck and hit another vehicle on the PIE. While there were no injuries reported, the scene of a flying tyre is more than enough to traumatize a driver.


Even though there are no solid details on what happened in this video, netizens were quick to speculate several possibilities.

The first was that the truck driver failed to maintain his vehicle correctly and did not perform the necessary checks to ensure that his truck was safe to drive.


The other possibility was that the load of soil that the truck was carrying was too heavy, resulting in the tailgate's sudden breakage.


While we might not know for sure how this happened, we’re glad that nobody was severely injured from this potentially deadly incident.

Netizens' reactions







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