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Dump truck fails to keep in lane and causes a Toyota Corolla to crash

Dump truck fails to keep in lane and causes a Toyota Corolla to crash



A dump (or dumb) truck travelling on the expressway veers off its lane and ends up clipping a black Toyota Corolla, causing it to lose control and crash.

This incident occurred last Friday (Aug 13). In the video, we see a huge yellow truck travelling on the SLE expressway while a black Toyota Corolla is travelling on the left of the truck.

As both vehicles enter a bend, the dump truck veers out of its lane to keep left, only for it to end up hitting the side of the Black Corolla.

It appears that the Corolla might have been in the truck driver's blind spot, which would explain the heavy vehicle's sudden movement to the left despite the car's presence. 

The car then swerves to the left, hitting the road barrier, before swerving back onto its own lane. 


Upon impact with the Toyota Corolla, the truck kept to its right as it follows the black vehicle to a clear spot ahead.

Netizens' reactions




While most drivers know that it is dangerous to linger or slow down when you're driving in someone's blind spot, the black Toyota Corolla could not speed up due to the lorries in front of it (and the fact that it is entering a bend as well).

However, an incident like this is completely avoidable if the truck driver pays more attention to his blind spots while driving and not assume that the road beside him is clear when it isn't.




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Recommended Comments

Did the car come from behind the truck to slot in there? 

Was the car further in front initially, but found itself in that position coz it slowed down to adjust to the speed of the truck in front of it, with the dump truck slowly closing distance?

Did the car maintain its speed the entire time with the truck closing the distance?

YES I agree with you @unicornfloof, Black Corolla was in the blind spot of Dumpy McDumptruck. However, this important question must be answered before apportioning blame.... We don't have an answer coz the person who edited this video is a moron. Maybe an xXtra 10 seconds of footage at the beginning is all we needed.

If it was a case of the 2nd or 3rd scenarios, then there is ZERO excuse for the truck driver to trot out the usual moaning about stupid car drivers being in their blind spot.

And in future you should not blithely summarise an accident if information is missing you bring shame upon your countrymen.

Edited by BigRamifications
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....one other possibility is the truck may NOT HAVE ACTUALLY MADE CONTACT and the car driver was doin' it Tokyo drift style, to impress his lady passenger that he just met.

If a freeway exit has a bend like that I always do a bit of Tokyo drift action. For my fans.

But not Saudi drifting. Lawdy! That would be stupid, inconsiderate, and very dangerous.

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1 hour ago, BigRamifications said:

Did the car come from behind the truck to slot in there? 

Was the car further in front initially, but found itself in that position coz it slowed down to adjust to the speed of the truck in front of it, with the dump truck slowly closing distance?

Did the car maintain its speed the entire time with the truck closing the distance?

YES I agree with you @unicornfloof, Black Corolla was in the blind spot of Dumpy McDumptruck. However, this important question must be answered before apportioning blame.... We don't have an answer coz the person who edited this video is a moron. Maybe an xXtra 10 seconds of footage at the beginning is all we needed.

If it was a case of the 2nd or 3rd scenarios, then there is ZERO excuse for the truck driver to trot out the usual moaning about stupid car drivers being in their blind spot.

And in future you should not blithely summarise an accident if information is missing you bring shame upon your countrymen.

Well firstly, thank you for these questions! Of course, it is hard to figure out who is actually at fault here due to the limited amount of footage from the camcar. We do not edit or control the amount of footage that we show, what is seen here is seen on every other social media website as well. However, I took the side of the black Corolla in this incident and wrote that the truck should not have assumed that the lane was clear before attempting to merge. Perhaps I should have added more details into my narrative, as well as include the different scenarios that could have happened. Nevertheless, thank you for these points and I will definitely produce better results in the future. 🙂

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