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Patriotic cyclists celebrate Singapore's 56th with a lights and flag display

Patriotic cyclists celebrate Singapore's 56th with a lights and flag display



With the National Day Parade being postponed to Aug 21, cyclists are coming up with creative ways to celebrate the country's 56th birthday. 

Cyclist transforms himself into a bright display


The first video shows a cyclist decked out in flashing lights and blasting patriotic music through his speakers as he cycles through a neighbourhood. 

The sight of this adorable cyclist reminds me of the time when a previous NDP performance featured several similar well-lit bicycles and motorcycles during the parade.

It's really heartwarming to watch this cyclist spread joy and happiness when the country is going through a global pandemic.


Cyclist waves large state flag around


The second video is made up of various snippets of an uncle cycling along the roads of Singapore with a large state flag attached to the front of his bicycle. 

The uncle is seen waving and giving a thumbs up when he notices people taking pictures and videos of him.

While this patriotic display is heartwarming to watch, it does not excuse his lack of safety equipment as he cycles around (uncle, please wear a helmet). 

Netizens' reactions







Nevertheless, there is no denying that these two cyclists have brought smiles across our faces when we see them on the roads. Kudos to these two for keeping the Singapore spirit alive!


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