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Dumb YP with no driving license, argues about road regulations

Dumb YP with no driving license, argues about road regulations



An entitled YP passenger of an idle Renault Megane Diesel got into a heated debate with an uncle when he was told to turn off the engine.

Here's the video for your reference:

According to the Facebook post, a man was sitting at a coffee shop when he noticed the parked Renault Megane Diesel had its engine on for more than 15 minutes.

This led him to approach the passenger, telling him to turn the engine off while waiting in the car.

However, the man was met with hostility as the YP passenger alighted from the car and started filming him.

As seen in the video, the passenger repeatedly questions the man on his authority and mentions no laws state that it is illegal to “leave the car on”.

He then continuously asks the man if he has taken his theory test, which provoked the man even more.

The irony of it all

The man corrects the passenger angrily and tells him to leave the area upon finding out that the YP passenger doesn't even have a driving license!

According to the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, it is an offence to leave the engine of a motor vehicle running while it is stationary for reasons other than traffic conditions.

If convicted in court, first-time offenders will be fined up to $2,000, while repeat offenders will be fined up to $5,000.

Netizens’ reactions






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Haha!  Be smart but don't over smart lor! Know nut about road traffic acts and regulations. Air pollution not taught in school?

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22 minutes ago, TangSL said:

Haha!  Be smart but don't over smart lor! Know nut about road traffic acts and regulations. Air pollution not taught in school?

more like noise pollution haha 😂

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12 minutes ago, mikk123 said:

if NEA don't take action on this idiot, then no one will take this rule seriously.... our future generation, very good academically, but zero social sense.  

agreed! don't know anything just say don't know, there's no need to pretend 😓

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I blame the parents!


The clothes, money and phones you give your child will not make them happy.

Give them time, love, hugs and teach them respect, compassion, wisdom, understanding and help them develop emotionally so that they never need to suffer in life.

If our kids are not emotionally developed then they will NOT be tough, resilient, emotionally stable, compassionate, well adjusted, respectful of themselves and other people in society.

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Wow. The old man damn bloody kaypo. 

So many people leave the engine running when they are just waiting a short while - Singapore is just so bloody hot. Go find something else better to do la.

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