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Cyclist gets into an argument with BMW driver for not giving him space on the road

Cyclist gets into an argument with BMW driver for not giving him space on the road



As a driver, I always groan whenever I see a cyclist in front of me. As bicycles are naturally slower than cars, they tend to hog the lane they're on and I try my best to always steer clear away from them as possible.


Not everyone's like that though. Let's take this BMW driver in the video for example.

In the video, dated 15th March 2021, you can see that the driver doesn't adhere to the 'keep a 1.5m distance away from cyclists' rule nor does he steer away from the bicycle. If I didn't know any better, it actually looks like the driver wanted to run the cyclist down.

Here's the video (turn up the volume to listen in on the conversation):

For those who don't understand Hokkien, don't worry, Uncle Koba will be your translator


The heated exchange happens after the cyclist slapped/knocked the side of the car to warn the driver how close the car was to him.

The driver comes to a stop and horns 🥳

The driver lets out a string of vulgarities that does not need any translation


Cyclist: Eh, you purposely one is it? 

Driver: What's the matter? I'm driving!

Cyclist: Why are you coming closer and closer to me?

Driver: Did I bang you?

Cyclist: The road so big, why you choose to keep to this lane?


The rest of the video goes on to talk about their father, mother, cats & dogs. 


Then the driver speeds off, leaving a fuming cyclist in the dust 💨

Do you think the driver should have given more space?

Or, do you think that the cyclist has very entitled views on how cyclists should be treated on the roads?


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The barrier also play a part in this case.

If a 1.5m is given to the cyclist then the car might be occupying into another lane.

Moreover is a huge car, the width is broader.

Best  is to either give way till after the barrier before over taking each other.   

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You mean kaw peh and ppl will give you space??

What kind of instant gratification are cyclists expecting?

choy lee doh sor lah (Cantonese)

If you want space you will have to go fight in the LTA office such that the space is given to cyclist on the road. You fight with drivers on the road. What do you get in return? Your mother's genitalia gets the end of it.

So dont be stupid. If you encounter every driver like that you will have to get upset and start an endless argument with him. It's a waste of everyone's time that is not productive. 

Want space on the road? Go look for LTA.

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Cyclist assume whole lane belong to him and just swerve to avoid the obstacle nvr check oncoming car. 

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Live and let's live, cyclists and motorists shared the road together, instead raise your hands to signal intend to move fist or intend to slow down, give way etc. Motorist just let feet off pedal a bit , all with a hand friendly gesture, thing can be friendly and less provocation on the busy road.[drivingcar]

During pandemic driving with mask on, it is not hard to show courtesy of a friendly face by acknowledgement of head bow or wave of hands. It is an International language known by all. Peace [wave]

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So when cyclists run red lights, do they ownself scold ownself? 


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It's your freaking life. You expect others to look after it for you? 

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