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Inconsiderate Maserati driver goes VRRRROOOMM all day every day in Yishun

Inconsiderate Maserati driver goes VRRRROOOMM all day every day in Yishun



Today we have a Maserati driver revving his engine CRAZILY loud in a densely populated HDB area in Yishun.

Unfortunately, it's not a one-off situation. Judging from the multiple video shots, it seems like the driver lives there. 

The revving is ridiculously LOUD, and it peaks right after the car picks up speed. Imagine hearing this repeatedly EVERY SINGLE TIME he drives his car! 


Sadly, there's no face to pin to this driver. Watch the video and I promise you'll find the noise pollution super annoying too. 

In the video of the car park, you can distinctly hear the piercing rumble of the Maserati's exhaust echo throughout the entire carpark. Yes, you have money to buy a Maserati, but do you need to be such a **** to the rest of the neighbours? Also, I'm sure you don't need to floor the accelerator to go around the carpark, right? 


 I don't even live there and I'm crying. My heart goes out to all the Yishun peeps.


So the big question - Do you think the driver modified the exhaust? Or its stock? Sounds modded to me.

Modifications are cool, but not if you're causing a ruckus day and night.


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Well at least it’s not a 4 cylinder loud .. strangled chicken sound.. 

but still noise pollution.. wonder what’s lta response? After all, a Harley Davison is also loud but you don’t see hdb dweller posting videos ... 

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I still don't understand how do all these sound make the driver feel more shiok?

I feel more shiok when my car is so quiet till people don't even know I'm there :grin:

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11 hours ago, Windwaver said:

I still don't understand how do all these sound make the driver feel more shiok?

I feel more shiok when my car is so quiet till people don't even know I'm there :grin:

The sound doesn't make the driver feel shiok. It is being a nuisance that makes the driver feels shiok.



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Very inconsiderate behaviour. Not scared the car get vandalized or burnt then majority of people living in that vicinity will feel more shiok. 😷

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9 hours ago, Heartbreakid said:

The sound doesn't make the driver feel shiok. It is being a nuisance that makes the driver feels shiok.


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6 hours ago, Count-Bracula said:

Very inconsiderate behaviour. Not scared the car get vandalized or burnt then majority of people living in that vicinity will feel more shiok. 😷

Only if can open fuel cap easily, need to add H2O for better combustion😆

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Look at me, look at me.


He needs the attention.

Hope police knock on his door and give him some.

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I can't say about Maserati car owner wanted attention, the fact is the car is such, that it need at least few minutes to be warmed up prior to drive off in the day . . . I know of one nice neighbour who daily warm-up his car like any other Sport cars, it's the manner how thy floor the accelerator , the exhaust is stocked and the engine roar to live once takes off . . . Of course it is difficult to pass comment, not all Maserati drivers are like that, the design and interior are greatly enhanced that the Italian designer curated it flawlessly, if it less noise, then it is not a Mas=sir-rati [rolleyes]

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Equally irritating


Maserati hit-and-run driver given lifetime ban drove again, led police on car chase

SINGAPORE — A Maserati driver who had been banned from driving for life received more jail time on Thursday (27 January) after he led the traffic police on a car chase while driving under disqualification. 

Lee Cheng Yan had driven into and fled a police roadblock after failing a breathalyser test.

Lee, 38, triggered a three-day police manhunt before he was arrested. 


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