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Mazda 3 with expired road tax rages on camera car

Mazda 3 with expired road tax rages on camera car



We start off the week with video that happened a week or so ago but only started to trend recently.

Seen on SG Road Vigilante, is this particular Mazda 3 driver that became so triggered that he had to get out of his car with vulgarities spewing out of his mouth non stop. 


Like all road rage incidents though, it takes two to clap. Thankfully, the camera car driver was honest enough to show what he did that made the Mazda 3 driver so pissed. We could see him honking the Mazda as the road merge at the junction along Bedok North Road, before speeding past the Mazda which also tried to filter into the middle lane due to construction works ahead. 


Those two actions probably triggered the Mazda 3 driver bad and when he got to block the camera car, he made sure he was heard by the camera car.


Probably not wanting to blow this up, the camera car drove off after the heated exchange of words but the Mazda 3, whose road tax had also expired, gave chase and did some not-very-nice gestures when he caught up...


Let us know what are your thoughts on this case of road rage!



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i wonder all these cry father cry mother folk, if they realized that the ppls they are swearing happened to be a TP in civilian clothing, will their tail tuck between their legs instead?

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