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So, who's in the wrong here? Pedestrian or driver?

So, who's in the wrong here? Pedestrian or driver?



Do me a favour, please watch the video first before reading past this first sentence, this way, you will understand the context of what is going on. Turn your sound on too.



Done? Great. So, the actions of the driver in the camera car. Necessary, or just plain idiotic and rude?

Yes, the uncle at the traffic light did seem a little blur and started crossing the road, rather slowly too, after the red man came on.

Yes, this traffic light along Victoria Street is notorious for heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic, as seen in the video where people are not done crossing the road even as the red man comes on. 

Perhaps let's cut the uncle some slack? Maybe he wasn't paying attention or just having an off day. Or on the other hand, he is really lacking spatial awareness and nearly got himself killed.

Understandably, the driver in the camera car could've not honked so long and scared the uncle half out of his slippers. A double tap of his horn would've been suffice, plus the other cars around the camera car don't seemed to have moved off either. And also being so eager to leave the lights. Where are you rushing off to, bro

But then again, this writer daresays that both parties are in the wrong in this incident. The uncle for not being observant of the traffic light and taking his own sweet time to cross, and the driver for being extremely heavy handed with his horn. Although the driver should be more conscious on his acceleration. Yes, this writer knows that most of us can't tolerate stupid people, but do remember that if you as a driver hits a pedestrian, it's not going to just be demerit points, man. 

Like most things in life, a little patience doesn't kill, people. You would think people would've remembered that by now but no.......



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Merc horn louder than others. Check....

Nobody will comprain when a merc horn. If you other car like China, Korean, Japanese car, ppl will kpkb, ask why you horn. Truth.

Edited by Watwheels
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Impatient Merc driver honking. The pedestrian already started crossing half way. According to TP regulation, even though the pedestrian was taking his time, the vehicle has to allow pedestrian to finish the crossing before driving. Driver will be penalized in this behaviour

Edited by Tcx607
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I would have waited for the pedestrian to finish crossing the road. Not the first time this has happened to me while driving. 

  • Praise 1
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I would let the pedestrian cross if he is not taking his own sweet time to stroll across. So many ppl are oblivious to their surroundings.

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I would've let him go. This is like an honest mistake not egregiously bad conduct like the umbrella/phone man and the crazy ah pek posted recently. You should blog those. 

Edited by Turboflat4
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