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Speeding Toyota loses control around expressway bend, hits the central divider and another car

Speeding Toyota loses control around expressway bend, hits the central divider and another car



"Hey man, where's the fire?", is what one should be asking the driver of the white Toyota.

From the look of the video, the driver was going way too fast. If he wasn't rushing to a fire, maybe he was rushing off for something else...

But let's not digress. As the old adage goes, "if you want to do something stupid, make sure others don't get hurt". Well, guess the driver of the Toyota didn't get the memo too.



Speeding like a madman, fine. Crash into the central divider, it's your fault so live with it. But knocking into someone else after crashing your car? Not cool, man. Especially since the other car was minding their own business until they got a rude jolt because another car crashed into them. 

Stay safe, people. If you want to speed, buy a PlayStation or Xbox and get those racing simulator games like Gran Turismo or Forza. A lot cheaper and a whole lot safer.


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They were racing. The 2nd car (lane 1) came fast too behind white Toyota

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A timely reminder for those who think it's ok to leave your kids un-belted in the car coz u think u 'drive safely' . But u can't control the other idiot drivers around u....


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On 13/12/2020 at 08:32, Tcx607 said:

They were racing. The 2nd car (lane 1) came fast too behind white Toyota

If they were racing, then the "loser car" won by leaps and bounds.

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