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Porsche Macan plays brake check games with camera car

Porsche Macan plays brake check games with camera car



Oh no, this white Porsche Macan is going to get flamed online by neitzens everywhere with his/her brake-checking skills.

Spotted on SG Road Vigilante's page is this video of a Porsche SUV that is pissed with the camera car not giving way on 30th of Nov 2020. Everything started from the junction of Upper Thompson and Braddell Road with the Porsche slowly catching up to the camera car which was going a decent speed.


The Porsche then wanted to overtake on Braddell road for a few times but somehow luck was not in his way and the camera car seemed like it was blocking the SUV. With ego getting the best of the SUV driver, the Macan then a bad judgement call at Braddell Underpass, trying to cut into the camera car's lane without signal. Funny thing is throughtout the other parts of the video, the Macan did signal his intentions mostly...

From then on, it then seemed like the Macan wanted to give the camera a piece of his mind and brake-checked the camera car after finally overtaking it.

Was it solely the fault of the Porsche? Or was the camera car in the wrong for not giving way despite knowing the Porsche had intentions to overtake? It does take two hands to clap afterall...




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All this big car thought that the road are theirs. Must always give way to them and dare you touch them.  Sad sad .... This is the culture here. 

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one of the slowest car model in the porcshe line so slow still dare to hao lian

Edited by KCTeo
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