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The end of CB does not stop PMDs from riding on the road

The end of CB does not stop PMDs from riding on the road



With the end of the Circuit Breaker measures, more people have resumed working, creating more traffic on our roads.

But that has not stop this rider from riding recklessly on his Personal Mobility Device (PMD) in Sembawang.


As reported by SG Road Vigilante, the rider can be seen overtaking a car that is moving away from the traffic lights before keeping up to speed with it.


In fact, the video which was shot on the 4th of June, showed the rider overtaking a motorcycle in the next lane.

Judging from the 20 seconds plus clip, we reckon he could have been doing twice the legal speed limit of PMDs (25km/h).

Naturally, netizens were quick to slam him...



Should we be tolerating this? Watch the video of the PMD rider here!


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LoL...he's pulling away from the car at the end of the video.

It makes you wonder why we learn and pay so much just to drive on the road.

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Not only him, can see quite a few from time to time.

Some can even travel at almost the same speed on pedestrian walk paths.


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