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Tribecar Toyota Wish speeds on wet road and crashes, pay come, pay gone

Tribecar Toyota Wish speeds on wet road and crashes, pay come, pay gone



Happy Labour Day, Singapore!

Some of us are thinking of how to utilise our pay that just came in.

Then, there are jokers like this Toyota Wish driver who blows it all in an instant (and more).


Speeding on PIE

A dashcam video of the said driver has gone viral and here are some takeaways after watching the video.


  1. No one drives a Wish to speed. It's a family MPV for goodness sake.
  2. Don't do stupid things with other people's car, much less a rental

Here's the 47-second video taken from SG Road Vigilante


The Wish loses control at the 0.09 mark of the video.

Online chatter







To the Toyota Wish driver, good luck paying for all the damages for a rental car.




Recommended Comments

Never doing a prolong hard braking such go during a wet day or on oily road. Driving a rental car must be double careful as the compensation to the rental company is very high. Just asking for trouble. The Wish is definitely not suit for high sped.


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Rental car sometimes they use lousy tyres. A very expensive lesson for the driver and lucky he did not harm other road user... 

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Heavy braking while negotiating a bend causing oversteer on a front heavy FWD MPV. If not enough driving experience, don’t drive so fast. 

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