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T-boned lorry sends its passengers tumbling on the road!

T-boned lorry sends its passengers tumbling on the road!



Unlike our previous blog post, this is neither weird nor uncommon. Unfortunately. 


Shot earlier today from an unknown camera vehicle, a red light-beating mini lorry which was carrying an unspecified number of passengers at the back, flipped when a taxi smashed into it.


The accident happened at the junction of Tanjong Katong South and Mountbatten road with the driver of the Transcab taxi appearing fazed but unhurt.


The video, which was post by SG Road Vigilante, did not mention what injuries there were and how many were hurt but we could see at least two passengers emerging from rear of the lorry after it was on its side.

Obviously, this was the fault of the lorry driver and the netizens wasted no time slamming him online.

One of them even put up a good point on why are people still allowed to sit on the rear of lorries where there are no seat belts.


We wish everyone who was hurt in the accident a speedy recovery.



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Send to TP and LTA! The Red light is long enough to stop! This driver has No Laws leh!


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more suprising to watch NO ONE went out of the car to attend to the injuired, such as those cars in front of cam car.

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