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MX-5 lady left note to criticise Volvo driver’s parking. Plot twist made me Google meaning of the word “Sanctimonious”.

MX-5 lady left note to criticise Volvo driver’s parking. Plot twist made me Google meaning of the word “Sanctimonious”.



Imagine parking your car like you passed your driving test on the first try and then returning to your car with this note on the windscreen -




Did you really park like an idiot? Who left the note? Did they get hurt while getting out of their car from the passenger side?

So many questions.

To the car camera for answers.




Here’s our supposedly wronged and potentially injured party arriving in an MX-5. Very good choice of car.

After 30 seconds of parking and having to exit the car from the passenger side, the lady comes out to take a photo of the “offending” Volvo S60.




She spends about 10 seconds taking photos of the car from multiple angles. We know the Volvo S60 looks good from any angle.

After walking one round inspecting the car like it was at the front gate of an army camp, she leaves her note.




Did the Volvo driver park like an idiot?

Well here’s the tea.




I can hear you screaming: “Lies! The driver probably took this photo at another lot! No way someone will park in that spot! Not even the nimble Miata!”

Here’s the other photo.




At least the Volvo driver was nice enough to mask out the MX-5’s plate.


Here’s the full video uploaded on SG Road Vigilante:


And “Sanctimonious” means “making a show of being morally superior to other people.”



Impressed by how the MX-5 can fit into snug places? Here are some for sale.


Or maybe you're leaning more on the innocent Volvo S60? We've got you covered here too!







Recommended Comments

5 hours ago, missmarigold said:

wah bodohh siahh

it's fashionable to self-pwned ... lol

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