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2010 Porsche Panamera recalled

2010 Porsche Panamera recalled




Now all you 2010 Porsche Panamera owners that happen to be reading please pay attention. There is now a worldwide recall for the 2010 Panamera (all models) for a potential safety belt defect that may not protect the driver and passenger in the event of a crash. The American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Porsche have issued such a recall in America as the defect can occur when either front seat is set at a very forward position close to the dashboard. Porsche has now issued a recall for all 2010 Panamera models around the world. So tall people who sit in the front seats pulled way back will not encounter this problem. Slightly discriminatory information towards short people being posted here folks.


The NHTSA had stated that when the front seat is put in a very forward position close to the dashboard, the safety belt mount could detach from the anchoring mechanism while the belt is being fastened or opened. The problem may cause injuries and fatalities in a crash as the safety belt may not be able to protect its user sitting in the very forward position and the safety belt mount may, as they mentioned 'detach' from the mounting points.


According to the NHTSA, approximately 3,100 units were affected by this recall in America. The report also mentions that Stateside Panamera owners can take their cars to the nearest Porsche dealer so that an additional locking mechanism may be installed to correct this fault. The repair is free of charge and should take 15 minutes. To date, no injuries or deaths have been linked to this recall. Porsche also states that all 11,324units manufactured in 2010 are affected by this recall.


Porsche have been quick to pick up on this fault and are acting on it. So if you do own a 2010 Panamera, or know of someone who owns one, call your local Porsche agent and ask them about this matter. Better be safe than extremely sorry.


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