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NEA claims diesel vehicles are still as pollutive as before

NEA claims diesel vehicles are still as pollutive as before





The National Environmental Agency recently revealed that vehicles, especially diesel powered ones, are just as pollutive as a few years ago. Are we backwards when compared to the western continents in embracing clean diesel technologies?


The figures say it all - 5,809 summons issued for emission-related offences for the first nine months of this year, compared to 6,381 in 2012 and 4,794 in the year before.


Though it is arguable that this year saw a slight reprieve from last year - with three months to go but 500 cases less - the current figure is still substantially more than that of 2011’s. The legal limit for vehicle emission in Singapore is 50 Hartridge Smoke Units (HSU) - any vehicle caught exceeding the limit will be fined up to $5,000.


Many see it as a natural course of actions. Diesel vehicles are often perceived as being pollutive, loud and unrefined. But on hindsight, it can actually mean that our local nation has been dilatory in adopting clean diesel technologies.


We have spoken much about technological advancement in the field of combustion engines, especially those that run on diesel. The efficiency, refinement, and emission standard have been substantially improved, so much so that diesel engines have found their way into premium passenger cars. Diesel powered cars are particularly favoured over their petrol driven counterparts in the western continent.


Fear not, though, as a new rule will kick in starting next year - a smoke opacity test that requires diesel cars to score an emission result of 40 HSU and below, before their road tax can be renewed.


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I do believe you should have wrote 500 cases less instead of 500 cases lesser. Lesser refers to something inferior.

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I do believe you should have wrote 500 cases less instead of 500 cases lesser. Lesser refers to something inferior.

Thanks for the pointer Fastfive1

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Will be glad if NEA were to include how many of the cases caught are taxi.

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Will be glad if NEA were to include how many of the cases caught are taxi.

We do suspect a good number of them are lorries and trucks

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Well, you can be Euro X compliant and the cleanest diesel engine ever out of the factory but.....


99% of the diesels here are not driven by their owners. So the drivers thrash the hell out of the engines/don't take care of the vehicles.


Resulting in smoking engines.

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