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How do you feel when you see VW rims on Skoda?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Indifferent ...
    • Owner of the Skoda couldn't find Skoda rims
    • Owner tries to disguise the Skoda as a VW




Journalism (or just plain writing, if you may), in its truest form, should be about honesty and truth. I


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And that could be why "motoring" magazine close shop. Their reviews of cars and mostly only the good stuff. I cannot imagine a car have "nothing much" as the weakness of the car their review summary column, unless they are pleasing someone who is definitely not the reader.

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IMO Journalism is just another job that provides. Not many ppl will like your so called honesty. In many ppl's opinion it is just your 2cents worth. If you write something that ppl strongly disagree you will end up writing apologies. Start learning how to write an apology. Journalism is not about writing your personal opinion but it involves research work, field work and analysis.

Most local car journalist I see is that they do not want to offend any car dealers so that they can have a good working relationship and continue to have "free" cars to drive and write reviews on them. They most probably do not have any budget to rent the cars to do their job like big networks do. In most cases journalist alone cannot afford to offend ppl and cannot afford the budget to write "what they like". So what they do is write what ppl like to read to avoid being sued and to avoid loosing their job.

You will find that writing what you like is just a dream...and a naive one. Sgp media has a global ranking of 154th. Try writing in a country that has more media freedom.

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